
Talking about spicing up a dish
Wow, this tastes great! What spices did you use?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Wow, this tastes great! What spices did you use?

That's a sweet rice wine called mirin in Japanese. Mirin is a must-use ingredient in chicken teriyaki. Japanese sake is also made from rice, but unlike sake, mirin contains more sugar and isn't used for drinking. It is golden yellow.


That's a sweet rice wine called mirin in Japanese. Mirin is a must-use ingredient in chicken teriyaki. Japanese sake is also made from rice, but unlike sake, mirin contains more sugar and isn't used for drinking. It is golden yellow.

1. Here is an alternative expression. "utilized".
Thank you for the explanation! I didn't know mirin was essential for chicken teriyaki. Is there a particular brand or type of mirin you recommend?

There are high-end products by some historical brands and mass products. Private-label products are enough unless you use mirin dairy. I always have to dump some mirin because it becomes out of date. Mirin can be divided into three types: hon mirin, aji mirin, and shin mirin. Hon mirin is made from rice, alcohol, and a kind of mold called rice koji, made from steamed rice. Aji mirin adds sugar and salt to fermented rice and rice koji. Shin mirin is reduced alcohol. It's said that wine and sugar can be substituted. I think apple juice is also possible.


There are high-end products by some historical brands and mass products. Private-label products are okay unless you use mirin dairy. I always have to dump some mirin because it expires. Mirin can be divided into three types: hon mirin, aji mirin, and shin mirin. Hon mirin is made from rice, alcohol, and a kind of mold called rice koji, made from steamed rice. Aji mirin is made by adding sugar and salt to fermented rice and rice koji. Shin mirin is reduced alcohol. It's said that wine and sugar can be substituted. I think apple juice is also possible.

1. If something that lasts for a fixed length of time expires, it comes to an end or stops being in use.
2. Rephrased this part of the sentence to make the sentence idiomatic.
Thank you for the detailed explanation about mirin and its types. It's interesting to learn about the different options available and their uses. Have you ever experimented with substituting mirin with apple juice in your cooking? I'm curious to know how it compares in flavor.

I have yet to try that. It is suitable for cooked food, not raw food. I've heard that Haral ramen restaurants use apple juice instead of some alcohol-containing ingredients. Apple juice has citric acid and ethylene gas, which ripens food. Mirin also has citric acid, and alcohol can be replaced with ethylene gas. Apple juice as a substitute makes sense to me.


I am yet to try that. It is suitable for cooked food, not raw food. I've heard that Haral ramen restaurants use apple juice instead of some alcohol-containing ingredients. Apple juice has citric acid and ethylene gas, which ripens food. Mirin also has citric acid, and alcohol can be replaced with ethylene gas. Apple juice as a substitute makes sense to me.

1. Rephrased this part of the sentence to make the sentence idiomatic.
  • gourmet(グルメ、食通、美食家)
  • garnish(〔料理の〕付け合わせ、つま)
  • savory(いい味[香り・匂い・風味]のする)
  • seasoning(調味料)
  • compliment((名)ほめ言葉、賛辞 (動)ほめる)
  • cuisine(料理(法))
  • ingredient(材料、ネタ)
  • culinary(料理の、台所の)
  • extract(絞り取ること、抽出物、エッセンス)
  • flavorful(風味豊かな、味の良い)
  • Most people use dried spices which can be found in most supermarkets.(ほとんどの人は、スーパーなどで売っている乾燥香辛料を使います。)
  • Bay leaves are an integral ingredient in most soups and stews.(ローリエの葉は多くのスープやシチューに不可欠な材料です。)
  • More and more people are growing their own herbs and spices in their home gardens.(より多くの人々が家庭庭園でハーブや香辛料を育てている。)
  • All culinary classes should have a special lesson just on the use of spices.(すべての料理教室で、スパイスの使い方だけの特別授業を行うべきです。)
  • Some people have an entire inventory of various spices with no idea how to use them.(どのようにして使うのがが分からずに、いろいろな香辛料を置いているだけの人もいます。)
  • The difference between good and great food is the seasoning.(美味しい料理ととすごく美味しい料理の違いは、調味料だ。)
  • I always experiment with various spices because a lot of recipes are too conservative.(多くのレシピは保守的すぎるので、私はいろいろな香辛料をいつも試してみている。)
  • When storing spices, be careful to keep them in an airtight container away from heat and sunlight.(香辛料を保存する際は、熱と太陽光を避ける密閉容器に入れるように気を付けて。)
  • Whenever I cook Asian food, I almost always add some fresh basil.(アジア料理を作るときは大体いつでも新鮮なバジルを付け加えます。)
  • A rule of thumb is to use fresh spices whenever possible.(スパイスはできるだけ新鮮なものを使うのが鉄則です。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • ホームステイ
  • 料理の話