
Talking about life in general
Do you know any proverbs about life in general?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you know any proverbs about life in general?

Have you heard of a proverb as "What goes around, comes around"? Sometimes, it is called karma. It is well known to the Japanese. I thought it is only used in Japan, but an American movie I watched recently illustrated this proverb in its storyline. I was surprised that it is used the U.S. as well.


Have you heard of the proverb  "What goes around, comes around"? Sometimes, it is called karma. It is well known to the Japanese. I thought it is only used in Japan, but an American movie I watched recently illustrated this proverb in its storyline. I was surprised that it is used in the U.S. as well.

1. Use the definite article when you are referring to something specific.
2. The preposition 'as' is redundant here.
3. Use the preposition 'in' as a function word to indicate inclusion, location, or position within limits
I have heard this proverb before. It is a very useful proverb and has quite the revelation as to how people should treat each other. What are some of the other proverbs you have encountered in movies?

In addition, I have encountered another proverb as "Everything in moderation" in the movie. The movie is American psychological thriller movie called "Nightmare Alley." In the movie, the leading character goes too far. As a result, in the end, he can understand his bad life is as what goes around comes around. The movie ending really made sense because I was familiar with these proverbs.


In addition, I have encountered another proverb  "Everything in moderation" in a movie. The movie is an American psychological thriller movie called "Nightmare Alley." In the movie, the leading character goes too far. As a result, in the end, he gets to know the meaning of what goes around comes around. The movie ending really made sense because I was familiar with these proverbs.

1. The preposition 'as' is redundant here.
2. Use the indefinite article when you are referring to something unspecific
3. Add the indefinite article before a singular noun.
4. Better phrasing
I remember watching Nightmare Alley. It was one of my favorite movies once upon a time. Do you often use these proverbs in your day to day conversations?

Oh, that's good. Do you know Nightmare Alley has made into movies twice in 2021 and in 1947? I watched newer one. How about you?


Oh, that's good. Do you know Nightmare Alley is a remake of the 1947 movie? I watched the newer one. How about you?

1. Better word phrasing.
2. Use the definite article when you are referring to something specific.
I also watched the newer one, but maybe because I am now older these movies are getting less and less scary. Do you find them scary still?

In my case, I enjoyed watching the movie. Of course, the storyline is scary. However, the cinematography, especially the image of the carnival in the U.S, in around 1940, is fantastic. Therefore, I like the movie.

In addition, I rarely use proverbs as mentioned earlier in my real life. However, when I watch such a movie, I remember these proverbs. In that sense, it was a good thing I watched this movie.


In my case, I enjoyed watching the movie. Of course, the storyline is scary. However, the cinematography, especially the image of the carnival in the U.S,  around 1940, is fantastic. Therefore, I like the movie.

In addition, I rarely use proverbs as mentioned earlier in my day-to-day conversation. However, when I watch such a movie, I remember these proverbs. In that sense, it was a good thing I watched this movie.

1. The preposition 'in' is redundant here.
2. Better phrasing
  • creation(創造、地球、〔地上の〕生物)
  • obligation(義務(感)、責任)
  • infinity(無限であること、無限性)
  • dull(鈍い、頭の回転が遅い〔天候が〕どんよりした〔色などが〕ぼんやりした〔刃が〕切れない)
  • poverty(貧乏、不足)
  • wit(機知、ウィット、知力)
  • lively(元気いっぱいの、陽気な、明るい)
  • divinity(神、神々しさ)
  • destroy(損なう、〔建物や都市などを〕破壊する、〔可能性や計画などを〕打ち砕く)
  • lifeless(生命を持たない、活気のない、死んでいる)
  • "Poverty dulls the wit."(貧すれば鈍する。)
  • "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans."(人生はあなたが忙しく他のことを計画しているときに、あなたに起きる出来事だ。)
  • "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."(どこに行けば良いのか分からないのなら、道がそこにあなたを導くでしょう。)
  • "Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."(道が示す方向に行くな、道なき道を行き、痕跡を残せ。)
  • "Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?"(自分の敵を友にすれば敵を滅ぼさなくて済みますか。)
  • "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."(終わりだと言って泣くな、始まったからと言って微笑みなさい。)
  • "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."(夢にこだわってばかりで、実際に生きることを忘れるのは良くない)
  • "Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect."(人生は私達が予想することを与える義務はありません。)
  • "Life isn't about finding yourself; it's about creating yourself."(人生とは自分自身を見つけることではなく自分自身を創造することだ。)
  • "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter."(笑いのない日が最も無駄な日だ。)


  • 日常
  • 上級
  • その他
  • ことわざの話