
Requesting to see a doctor before going to work
What can I do for you?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What can I do for you?

I have pain in my left eye. I may bother you, but can I go to a hospital before work? Eye clinic will open at 9 am, so I'll arrive my office by 11 am.


I have pain in my left eye. I may be bothering you, but can I go to a hospital before work? The eye clinic will open at 9 am, so I'll arrive at my office by 11 am.

1. This is a better way to say it. You should use present continuous tense to refer to the current, ongoing action.
2. Definite article is needed to refer to a specific clinic.
3. Preposition 'at' is needed to refer to a place or location.
I understand. Do you have anything urgent that needs to be done in the morning? We can delegate your tasks to other people in the team.

Thank you for your concern. I have to send the contract to ABC company. My working partoner, Mr. Bitoh, is well-informed about it, so please ask him.


Thank you for your concern. I have to send the contract to ABC company. My working partner, Mr. Bitoh, is well-informed about it, so please ask him.

1. This is the correct spelling. You can also say 'colleague' or 'co-worker'.
Ok, no worries. If any of your clients call, should we say that you will call them back today or tomorrow?

I appreciate your offer. Yes, please tell them that I will call them back this afternoon. I have a question. Do I need to submit a medical certificate?


I appreciate your offer. Yes, please tell them that I will call them back this afternoon. I have a question: Do I need to submit a medical certificate?

1. It is better to use colon here to introduce a question.
No, of course not. Unless it's a long paid medical leave, it's unethical to ask you for a medical certificate. Just take of yourself, and please let me know of any developments. If you need someone to pick you up from the hospital, give the office a call.

Oh! I misunderstood the company rules. I thought I need the medical certificate in any case of sickness. I'll contact you once the diagnosis has been made in the clinic. I can go there and go to office by public transportations. Thank you for your concern.


Oh! I misunderstood the company rules. I thought I needed the medical certificate in any case of sickness. I'll contact you once the diagnosis has been made at the clinic. I can go there and   to the office by public transportation. Thank you for your concern.

1. You should use past simple tense since you're referring to something that you thought in the past.
2. You should use preposition 'at' to refer to a location here.
3. 'go' is redundant here.
4. Definite article is needed to refer to a specific office, your workplace.
5. 'Transportation' is uncountable noun.
It's only for big medical procedures like surgeries. We respect your privacy, of course. Alright. Take it easy, ok? If it's more serious than you think it is, feel free to take the whole day off. Take care!

I understand. Now, I'm heading to the clinic. I would appreciate your help in sending the contract to ABC company. See you later.


I understand. Now, I'm heading to the clinic. I would appreciate your help in sending the contract to ABC company. See you later.

Another expression: Talk to you later.
  • overdue(期限の過ぎたもの)
  • injection(注射)
  • rash(発疹)
  • symptom((病気の)症状)
  • see a doctor(診察を受ける)
  • diagnosis(診断)
  • After that(その後)
  • contagious((接触性)伝染性の)
  • How much time do you think you will need?(どれぐらい時間がかかるのですか? )
  • It might be caused by something I ate last night.(もしかすると昨晩食べたものが原因かもしれません。)
  • Is it okay if I go to the hospital now?(今から病院に行っても構いませんか? )
  • Is it that bad?(そんなに悪いのですか?)
  • What is wrong with you?(どこが悪いのですか?)
  • Do you have any trouble breathing, or any aches or pains?(呼吸が苦しいとか、痛みはありますか? )
  • I'm suddenly feeling dizzy(突然フラフラしているのです。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 交渉
  • 内定者研修
  • 新入社員研修
  • 報告・連絡・相談
  • 申請/社内ルール
  • 社内業務