
Getting an international driver's permit
Hello. How can I help you?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hello. How can I help you?

I would like to take a driver's license. How do I take the test?


I would like to take a driver's license. How do I take the test?

1. Here's an alternative 'want'
Firstly, you must produce your local driver's license and one recent ID photo. In addition, we require details about the country you are traveling to.

I understand. I prepare that, than do I need to make a reservation?


I understand. I will prepare that, then do I need to make a reservation?

1. Make use of this modal verb since you're referring to the future here.
2. Correct spelling.
We will give you some time slots for the weekend. You can come and take your driving test on the basis of that. The weekend suits you, right?

Yes, that works for me. What time should I come?


Yes, that works for me. What time should I come?

1. Here's an alternative 'Of course'
Alright, that's great to hear. How about Saturday morning? Would 8 AM be suitable for you? There's not much crowd here at that time.

Sure thing! I would like to go Saturday 8AM!


Sure thing! I would like to go there on Saturday at 8 AM!

1. Make use of this phrase to be more specific of the time here.
Saturday at 8 a.m it is!
May I have your name, phone number, and ID number so that I can make the reservation?

My name is Kyoko Kawakami. My phone number is 101-1223-3334. I don't have social security number. Can you accept my passport?


My name is Kyoko Kawakami. My phone number is 101-1223-3334. I don't have a social security number. Can you accept my passport?

1. When you are introducing something into the conversation for the first time, use the indefinite article because we still don't know any specifics about it. Every following time, use "the."
  • permit((名)許可(動)許可する、認める、容認する)
  • vital(〔存在に〕必須の、不可欠な)
  • validity(正当(性)、効力、有効性)
  • database(データベース)
  • accompany(添える、加える)
  • unofficial(非公式の)
  • valid(期限切れでない、有効な)
  • domestic(家庭(内)の、国内の、国産の)
  • void(無効の、役立たずの)
  • verify(照合する、立証する)
  • Do I need to get an International Driving Permit (IDS) before I leave Japan?(日本を去る前に国際免許を取得する必要がありますか。)
  • Please make sure that you have all of the necessary documents wherever you're headed to .(どこに行くときも必要な書類全部持っているか確かめてください。)
  • Remember that the International Driving Permit is an unofficial document and must be accompanied by a valid driver's license.(国際運転免許証は非公式な書類であり、有効な運転免許証を添付する必要があることを忘れないでください。)
  • Your international document will have translations of all of your vital information.(あなたの国際文書には、必須情報全ての翻訳が記載されている。)
  • Did you know that your international license will be voided if it's not accompanied by a valid driver's license?(有効な運転免許証が添付されていないと、国際免許証が無効になることを知っていましたか?)
  • When will my international driver's license expire?(私の国際運転免許証はいつ失効しますか。)
  • Since I go on many overseas business trips, will my international permit be good wherever I go?(海外出張が多いのですが、どこに行っても国際免許証は通用するのでしょうか?)
  • Can I apply online for my international driver's permit?(国際免許証はネット上で申込できますか。)
  • How much does it cost to get an international driver's permit?(国際免許証を取得するにはいくらかかりますか。)
  • Do I need an international driver's permit in order to rent a car overseas?(海外で車を借りるには国際運転免許証は必要ですか。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 現地生活
  • 手続きする