
Opening an account at a bank
Hello. What can I do for you?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hello. What can I do for you?

Hello. I would like to open a new bank account.


Hello. I would like to open a new bank account.

1. Alternative expression: I would like to open a savings account.
I see. Thank you for using XXL Bank. Can you be more specific about what kind of account you would like to open?

I want to open a saving account. I don't need a passbook if I can check my deposit online.


I want to open a savings account. I don't need a passbook if I can check my deposits online.

1. You should use plural form.
2. It should be plural form; you will make more than one deposit.
Yes, of course we have several kinds of savings accounts. Would you like a regular savings account or another type?

Can the regular savings account be used for time deposits and ordinary deposits?


Can the regular savings account be used for time deposits and regular deposits?

1. "Regular " is most commonly used when talking about a type of something. "Ordinary " means common.
Sorry, but it can only be used for ordinary deposits. Would you be interested in opening a time deposit account as well?

Yes. I want to open both ordinary and time deposits. Can I open both? I need internet bank accounts for both.


Yes, I want to open both a savings account and a time deposit account. Can I open both? I would also like to use online banking.

1. You should use comma here.
2.. This is a better way to say it. You should specify that you still want to open a savings account.
3. This is a better way to say it, "online banking " means to access your bank account on the internet.
Yes, of course, you may open both with an internet banking account. May I see two kinds of identification? Will there be anything else,

Sure. Here are my passport and driver's licence. How long does it take to complete the procedure to open accounts? I'm in a little rash. I gotta go to another place in 30 minutes.


Sure. Here are my passport and driver's licence. How long does it take to complete the procedure to open the accounts? I'm in a little rush. I gotta go to another place in 30 minutes.

1. You should use definite article for the specific bank accounts you previously mentioned.
2. Correct spelling.
  • teller(〔銀行などの〕窓口係、出納係)
  • overdraft(過度の引き出し、過剰な要求)
  • liquidity(《金融》〔資金の〕流動性、換金性、流通性)
  • withdraw(引き抜く、引き出す)
  • checking account(当座預金口座)
  • balance(〔口座や負債の〕残高)
  • passbook(預金通帳、通帳)
  • exchange((名)為替相場 (動)~を両替する)
  • transaction(取引)
  • insured(被保険者、保険契約者)
  • Please explain why different savings accounts have different interest rates.(なぜ普通預金の金利が違うのか説明してください。)
  • I would like to make deposits online if that's possible.(可能ならオンラインで預け入れしたいです。)
  • Will I be able to transfer funds with my smartphone?(スマホで資金を送金できるようになりますか。)
  • Does this bank have a foreign exchange section?(この銀行は外国為替の部署がありますか。)
  • Do you have anyone on staff who speaks Japanese?(日本語が話せるスタッフがいますか。)
  • I'd like to open an account here only if there's no monthly maintenance fee.(毎月の口座維持管理費が要らないのなら、ここで口座を開きたい。)
  • I need separate passbooks for my wife and children.(妻と子供用に別々の通帳が必要です。)
  • Is there a limit to the number of transactions I can do per month?(月間の取引回数に制限はありますか?)
  • Since most Japanese banks don't have checking accounts, can you please tell me how they work?(日本の銀行では当座預金口座がないことが多いので、どのようなものなのか教えて頂けますか。)
  • I need to know if this bank has ATM machines near my home and workplace.(この銀行が自宅と職場の近くにATMを備えているかどうか知る必要がある。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 現地生活
  • 手続きする