
Talking about political issues
What do you think about the political issue that's been in the news recently?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What do you think about the political issue that's been in the news recently?

Boris Johnson claims the Russian president threatened him with a missile attack shortly before Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but the Kremlin has denied the claim. He added that Putin's casual tone didn't cause him to take the comments seriously and that Putin was just playing along with Johnson's attempts to get him to negotiate. Johnson's critics say his remarks are not always worth listening to carefully because he is good at seizing the limelight.


Boris Johnson claims the Russian president threatened him with a missile attack shortly before Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but    Kremlin has denied the claim. He added that Putin's casual tone didn't cause him to take the comments seriously and that Putin was just playing along with Johnson's attempts to get him to negotiate. Johnson's critics say his remarks are not always worth listening to carefully because he is good at seizing the limelight.

1. We usually don't use definite articles with proper nouns.
I am not a big fan of Boris Johnson. He doesn't really command a charismatic type of leadership, unfortunately. What do you think?

Your assertive remarks confound me. I don't dislike Boris Johnson. There wouldn't be any politician who is worse than Biden in history after World War Two.


Your assertive remarks confound me. I don't dislike Boris Johnson. There hasn't been any politician who is worse than Biden in history after World War Two.

1. Use the Present Perfect Tense to express situations that started in the past and are still true.
I don't dislike him either but I am not a fan of his political leadership skills. I am surprised to hear you say that about Biden. Why do you say that?

He is failing on a variety of issues including immigration, foreign policy, the economy, and most importantly, the COVID-19 pandemic.


He is failing at a variety of issues, including immigration, foreign policy, the economy, and most importantly, the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. The preposition "at" is used to show the activity in which someone's ability is being judged.
2. Use a comma to make a pause in the sentence and separate the two parts of the sentence.
  • mode((動作や行為の)やり方、流儀)
  • position(立場、地位、身分、姿勢、見解、情勢 )
  • stand(態度、気持ち)
  • impassioned(情熱の込もった、熱烈な)
  • rally((名)[政党・労働組合などの]集会、大会、総会(動)集まる、再結集する)
  • nationalistic(国家主義的な、民族主義的な)
  • rhetoric(修辞法)
  • extremist(過激主義者、過激派)
  • rational((人が)理性的な、道理をわきまえた、冷静な)
  • progressive((名)進歩主義者(形)前進する、〔考え方などが〕進歩的な、進歩主義の)
  • I'm concerned about the increasingly hostile environment within our own central government.(中央政府内でいっそう敵対する環境を心配しています。)
  • We need to take a more progressive approach towards these domestic issues.(このような国内の問題に対しては、もっと進歩的なアプローチをとる必要があります。)
  • We need to view this issue from a more global perspective.(私たちは、この問題をよりグローバルな視点でとらえる必要があります。)
  • How much of what he says is just pure political rhetoric?(彼の言っていることのどのくらいが単なる政治的修辞なんだろう?)
  • When, exactly, did "nationalism" become a dirty word?(いつ「国家(愛国)主義」は禁句になったんだろう?)
  • We need to take a stand against government corruption and arrogance.(我々は政府の腐敗と傲慢さに対して、きちんと態度を示す必要があります。)
  • The future of Japan rests in the hands of its youth.(日本の将来は若者たちの手にゆだねられている。)
  • Do you think Japan should be flexing its muscles a bit more when dealing with territorial disputes?(日本は領土問題について取り組む際にもう少し威力を示すべきだと思う?)
  • What steps can the government take to get more people interested and involved in politics?(もっと多くの人々が政治に関心を持って関わるようにするには政府は何をすべきでしょうか。)
  • What do you think of Japan's response to North Korea's latest threat?(北朝鮮の脅しに対する日本の反応をどう思いますか。)


  • 日常
  • 上級
  • その他
  • 社会問題の話