
Gift-wrapping services
Is there anything else I can do for you?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Is there anything else I can do for you?

Could you wrap this with some paper and ribbon? I'd like to give this to my husband for his birthday present.


Could you wrap this with some paper and ribbon? I'd like to give this to my husband for his birthday present.

1. there's no error here, but here's an alternative expression you can use:
This is a present for my husband on his birthday.
I'll do that right away. It's such a wonderful gift. How old is your husband today? Do you wish to write anything?

Thank you for your support. He will get 37 years old. I want to write a message card, so I already prepared that. I will give the card with this present. Then, could I choose the color of paper and ribbon?


Thank you for your support. He will turn 37 years old. I want to write a message card, so I already prepared that. I will give the card with this present. Then, could I choose the color of the paper and the ribbon?

1. we say "turn" or "become" x years old
2, 3. the paper and ribbon you are talking about are specific
Okay, that's good. I guess you had figured all this out before coming. Do you usually send him gifts on his special day?

Yes, we sometimes give a small gift to each other. For example, when he finished a big project, I gave him some coffee tickets.


Yes, we sometimes give a small gift to each other. For example, when he finished a big project, I gave him some coffee tickets.

1. there's no error here, but here's an alternative expression you can use:
exchange gifts.
Oh, that's some real love between the two of you. If I may ask, how long have you guys been married?

We have been married for six years. We respect each other. Thank you for your kindness!


We have been married for six years. We respect each other. Thank you for your kindness!

1. there's no error here, but here's an alternative expression you can use:
It's been six years since we got married.
  • fancy((名)好み (形)凝った、特選の)
  • luxurious(豪華な、一流好みの)
  • hefty(たくましい、高額の)
  • withstand(耐える、長持ちする)
  • specialize(特殊化する、専門にする)
  • farewell(送別会、お別れ)
  • wedding(結婚式、婚礼)
  • opaque(不透明な)
  • anniversary(・・・周年記念日、記念祭)
  • retirement(退職、隠居)
  • Can you wrap this with an opaque sheet of paper since my son likes to peek?(うちの息子が中身を覗くのが好きだから、不透明な包みでお願いできますか。)
  • This gift is for a very special occasion.(このプレゼントは、とても特別な日のためのものです。)
  • When will my packages be ready?(私の梱包はいつできますか。)
  • Can I have this gift-wrapped, please?(これをプレゼント用に包装お願いします。)
  • Please wrap it well because it's going all the way to Europe.(ヨーロッパまで持ちこたえることができるように、きちんと包んでいただけますか。)
  • It's our wedding anniversary!(結婚記念日なんです。)
  • It's for my boss' retirement.(上司の定年退職プレゼントです。)
  • Can you put a fancy bow on it?(可愛い蝶々結びをつけてくれる?)
  • Is this gift wrapping service complimentary?(このプレゼント用包装は無料サービスですか。)
  • Can I pay extra for that special wrapping paper?(その特別包装紙にいくらかお支払いしましょうか。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 買い物
  • 注文する