
Asking your friend about her likes and dislikes
Be very careful when discussing "likes and dislikes", especially when they involve politics or religion. Among casual friends or co-workers, it may be best to restrict this kind of discussion to food, movies, and music. And NEVER discuss politics and religion with your in-laws, unless you're "on the same side" or have a very good relationship to begin with. 「好き嫌い」を話題にする際はかなり気を付けましょう。特に政治や宗教に関わる場合は。時々顔を合わせる友達や同僚とは食べ物や映画の話題にしておくのが良いでしょう。あなたが「同じ支持派」かまずは良い関係を築く場合でない限り、姻戚とは絶対に政治や宗教について話さないように。
Did you have a question for me?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Did you have a question for me?

Yes. Before ordering, I would like to ask you whether there's anything you dislike so that we would avoid such kinds of dishes.


Yes. Before ordering, I would like to ask you whether there's anything you dislike so that we would avoid such kinds of dishes.

1. Here's an alternative 'Of course'
I am not very picky when it comes to food. However, I don't like sea food. Most of it gives me terrible skin irritations. I hope that is not your favorite?

I like any kind of food. Let's choose dishes except for sea foods. Which dishes do you feel like eating today? There are course menus on page 9.


I like any kind of food. Let's choose dishes except for sea foods. Which dishes do you feel like eating today? There are course menus on page 9.

1. Here's an alternative 'enjoy'
Thank you for your understanding. How about this pork dish? It has been a while since I last ate pork.

Oh, good. I'm interested in this Aichi pork with mustard. I've heard that Aichi pork is very soft and nutritious.


Oh, good. I'm interested in this Aichi pork with mustard. I've heard that Aichi pork is very soft and nutritious.

1. Here's an alternative 'quite'
My mouth is already watery. Let's order it. What can we have it with? What are the common sides? I want to have it the Japanese way.

Well, let me order something. One salads, and one soup. Do you drink something? If we follow the Japanese way, I recommend Japanese Sake.


Well, let me order something. One salad, and one soup. Do you drink something? If we follow the Japanese way, I recommend Japanese Sake.

1. Make use of the singular noun here.
Yes, please go ahead. I would also love to taste the Japanese sake. I have heard a lot about it. What a fantastic opportunity.

I'm also a big fan of sake. I recommend this Dasani brand. It's so good.


I'm also a big fan of sake. I recommend this Dasani brand. It's so good.

1. Here's an alternative 'tasty'
  • interest(関心、興味)
  • hobby(趣味)
  • travel((名)旅行(動)旅行する)
  • literature(文学)
  • personality(性格、人間的魅力)
  • ethnic(民族の、民族学の)
  • genre((主に絵画・文学・音楽の)ジャンル)
  • experience((名)経験、体験(動)体験する)
  • preference(~を(他よりも)好きであること、好み)
  • idiosyncrasy(性癖、(好み・動作・意見などの)特異性)
  • It's easy to set off someone's pet peeves by not listening to them.(相手の話を聞かないことで、相手の苦手意識を煽ってしまうことがあります。)
  • One of my pet peeves is waiting in line for anything.(私がイライラすることのひとつは、行列に並ぶことです。)
  • Are you particular about what you eat?(あなたは食べ物の好みにうるさいですか。)
  • I know what I like.(私は自分の好みは分かっている。)
  • I'm pretty easy going about almost anything.(私はほとんど何に関してもとてものんびり屋です。)
  • You seem to be pretty sure about what you don't like.(あなたは何が好きではないのかがよく分かっているようだ。)
  • I'm not really a person of discriminating taste. I'll eat just about anything!(私は味にうるさい人間ではありません。何でも食べられます。)
  • out of the ordinary(並外れた)
  • What's your favorite movie of all time?(今までで一番好きな映画は何ですか。)
  • Who's your favorite singer?(あなたのお気に入りの歌手は誰ですか。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • レストラン
  • 何が良いか話す