
Entering the restaurant
Do you have a reservation, sir?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you have a reservation, sir?

Yes. We have a reservation for balcony seats for 3 people under the name of Yuki Nagashima. Could you confirm it?


Yes. We have a reservation for balcony seats for three people under the name of Yuki Nagashima. Could you confirm it?

1. The numeral "3" was used instead of the word spelled out, so we spelled it out instead.
Certainly. Please give me a minute while I check the reservation, sir. You said "Yuki Nagshima", right?

Yes, I said Yuki Nagashima. I made a reservation by phone yesterday. Please take your time.


Yes, I said Yuki Nagashima. I made a reservation by phone yesterday. Take your time.

1. "Please" was unnecessary, so we removed it.
I found it. Balcony, for three people. Please wait for a moment while we prepare your table. There are seats at the reception area. If you want to, I can bring you a menu so you can start ordering.

Yes, pleas do so. We'd like to see your menu while waiting. We all are hungry.


Yes, please do so. We'd like to see your menu while waiting. We all are hungry.

1. This looks like a spelling mistake, so we corrected it.
Of course. Please follow me to the reception. I will take your order while you wait. Here you are. Drinks and desserts are on the last page.

Thank you. May I ask your specialty for the reference?


Thank you. Can you tell me what the restaurant's specialty is?

1. Sentence structure is very important and we needed to change it a little bit to point out the whole meaning.
Today's specialty are soup au champignon and baked salmon with cream cheese. Would you like to try it?

Oh, that sounds so nice. Yes, we might as well try it. What do you think the best wine for it is?


Oh, that sounds so nice. Yes, we might try it. What do you think the best wine for it is?

1. "as well" was unnecessary, so we removed it.
  • impression(印象、感じ)
  • entrance(入口)
  • headwaiter(ボーイ長)
  • ambience((ある場所の)環境、雰囲気)
  • calming(落ち着かせる)
  • inviting(人目を引く、魅惑的な)
  • unattractive(魅力のない、見た目がさえない)
  • transported((~で)うっとりした)
  • maitre d'((レストランの)給仕長、a head waiter 〔フランス語からきた単語です〕)
  • decor((部屋の)内装、装飾)
  • The entrance to a restaurant should be very welcoming.(レストランの入り口はとても快適でなくてはなりません。)
  • My first impression of the restaurant wasn't a very good one.(私のそのレストランの第一印象はあまり良くありませんでした。)
  • Even if the food is amazing, having the right location can make or break a restaurant.(料理が素晴らしくても、場所が適切であるかどうかがレストランの成功を左右します。)
  • Upon entering the restaurant, I was transported to another world.(レストランに入ると、別世界にいるような気持になった。 )
  • We were instantly greeted by a friendly host.(すぐにフレンドリーなホストが迎えてくれました。)
  • The maitre d' was exceptionally attentive to our needs.(給仕長は私たちの要望に非常によく応えてくれました。)
  • When I tipped the headwaiter in advance, he gave us the best table in the house.(ヘッドウェイターに事前にチップを渡したところ、一番良いテーブルを用意してくれたのです。)
  • The restaurant is famous for its great food and hospitality.(そのレストランは素晴らしい料理とおもてなしで有名だ。)
  • The restaurant's decorations are dull.(そのレストランの装飾は地味だ。)
  • I was turned off by the restaurant's gaudy exterior.(そのレストランのけばけばしい外装にはうんざりした。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • レストラン
  • 手続きする