
Borrowing an iron
Hello, this is from the front desk. What can I do for you?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hello, this is from the front desk. What can I do for you?

I'm Kano of Room202. Can I borrow a steam iron for about an hour this morning?


I'm Kano from Room     202. Couldplease borrow a steam iron for about an hour this morning?

1. Use "from" when referring to the source or affiliation with something.
2. Make sure to add a space between words and numerals.
3. Use "could", instead, to phrase your request in an even politer manner.
4. Use "please" to phrase your request in an even politer manner.
Sure thing! I will send a steam iron to your room. Do you need an ironing board as well? You might not have a place where to iron from?

Well, yes, I seem to need it as well. Thank you for your advice.
I'll be waiting for them.


Well, yes, I seem to need that as well. Thank you for your advice.
I'll be waiting for them.

1. Use "that" to point out something that you are referring to indirectly.
2. Make sure to add spacing between paragraphs.
Okay, then. I think the room attendant is almost reaching the door to your room. Do you need anything else?

No,that's all that I need now. Thank you very much. Oh, the bell is ringing.
Hello. Thank you for your bringing those items. I really appreciate it. Where can I return these?


No,    I would not. That's all that I need for now.
Thank you very much.
Oh, the bell is ringing.     Hello, thank you for your bringing those items. I really appreciate that. Where am I supposed to return these afterward?

1. Make sure to add a space after a comma.
2. Make sure to briefly and clearly answer the way you are asked (- Would you...? - Yes, I would. / No, I would not/wouldn't.) before elaborating further.
3. Make these two separate sentences since they are independent of one another.
4. Use "for" when referring to the duration of something.
5. and 6. Make sure to add spacing between paragraphs.
7. There is no need for a new line here since you are still discussing the same topic.
8. Merge these two clauses into one sentence since they are part of the same thought. Use a comma to separate an introductory word from the rest of the sentence since there is no particular grammatical connection between them.
9. Use "that" to point out something that you are referring to indirectly.
10. Use a different word choice. This would be a more usual way of saying it.
11. Make sure to indicate that this is about a later time.
You are welcome. Please take your time, and take good care of them. Call me in case of anything. Have a good day.

Thank you. When I finish using it. I'll call you. Is the rent of this iron free of charge?


Thank you. When I finish using them. I'll call you.
Is the use of this iron free of charge?

1. Use the plural to indicate that this is about multiple items.
2. Make sure to add spacing between paragraphs.
3. Use a different word choice. Note that you are still not sure if it's free of charge or not, so you can't say that it's rental since rental implies being charged for temporary use of something.
Okay then. Using that flat iron is free of charge. However, it needs to remain in perfect condition. Is that okay?

I see. Thank you. Bye


I see. Thank you. Goodbye.

1. Note that "bye" is rather informal, so make sure to use "goodbye".
2. Make sure to use a period at the end of a declarative sentence.
  • wrinkle((名)≪皮膚・衣類などの≫しわ(動)しわが寄る)
  • starch((動)≪シーツなど≫にのりをつける(名)のり)
  • cordless(コードレスの、コードなしの)
  • outlet(≪液体・ガスなどの≫排出口、コンセント(イギリスではsocket))
  • neglect((動)おろそかにする、を怠る(名)放置)
  • outfit((ある目的に必要な)用具一式)
  • cotton(コットン、綿)
  • polyester(ポリエステル)
  • trousers(ズボン)
  • laundry(洗濯物、クリーニング店)
  • a wash-and-wear shirt(アイロン不要のシャツ)
  • a wrinkle-free skirt(しわになりにくいスカート)
  • last minute emergency(土壇場の緊急事態)
  • Can you send up an ironing board as well?(アイロン台も持って来てくれますか。)
  • I would like to hold on to the iron for the length of my stay.(滞在期間中はアイロンを持っておきたい。)
  • extension cord(延長コード)
  • Can I borrow a steam iron for about an hour this morning?(午前中に1時間ほどスチームアイロンを借りられますか。)
  • I neglected to pack my travel iron.(旅行用アイロンをカバンに詰めなかった。)
  • I need to spot clean and iron some shirts this morning.(今日は朝からシャツのスポットクリーニングとアイロンがけをしなければなりません。)
  • dress shirts((男性用の正装の)ドレス・シャツ、ワイシャツ(スーツとともに着用する) )


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