
Asking about road conditions
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。

I'm a traveler and going to the old castle located on the top of a mountain. Are you familiar with around here? I heard it often snows here. I'm not confident in driving, so if the road condition is not good, I'd like to take public transportations. How long does it take form here to there by car or train? Are there any traffic rules specific to the road which I 'll use. Mountain roads sometimes may be narrow to pass each other and have some restrictions, such as speed limits and taking enough distance from a car in front.


I'm a traveler and going to the old castle located on the top of a mountain. Are you familiar with the area around here? I heard it often snows here. I'm not confident in driving, so if the road condition is not good, I'd like to take public transportation. How long does it take from here to there by car or train? Are there any traffic rules specific to the road which I'll use. Mountain roads sometimes may be narrow to pass each other and have some restrictions, such as speed limits and taking enough distance from a car in front.

1. We need an object here, we say 'to be familiar with something'. 'Around here' is an adverbial phrase and is not used as an object, so we could add the noun 'the area'.
2. 'transportation' is an uncountable noun, so we should not pluralize it.
3. The word 'form' doesn't fit the context, I assume you wanted to use the word 'from'.
Well, if you are traveling to the old castle then the train is a better option. When you get there, you can take a cab around. The train will take you 45 minutes. You will pay for the train service at the booth there.

I appreciate your teaching. How often do the trains come? How much is the train fare on limited express or ordinary cars. Following your advice, I would like to take a taxi there. In my country, we do not have to pay tips for a taxi driver. How about in your country? I am not familiar with tips culture. Are there troubles when you take a cab if you do not leave tips? Also, If I do not carry cash for tips, what should I do? Of course, I know we can use credit cards everywhere these days.


I appreciate your teaching. How often do the trains come? How much is the train fare on limited express or ordinary cars? Following your advice, I would like to take a taxi there. In my country, we do not have to pay tips for a taxi driver. How about in your country? I am not familiar with tips culture. Are there troubles when you take a cab if you do not leave tips? Also, if I do not carry cash for tips, what should I do? Of course, I know we can use credit cards everywhere these days.

1. This is a question, so we need the question mark.
2. We should not capitalize words that come after introductory or interrupting phrases such as 'however', 'finally', 'usually', 'oh', 'also' etc. The word 'if' is not the first word of the sentence, it follows after a comma.
The trains come every 30 minutes and it is usually between 5 to 10 dollars per transport route. Paying tips is not compulsory in my country so you do what you are comfortable with. The cab driver will give you the fare and you pay accordingly.

Is importance attached to panctuality in your country? I heard, in some countries, the delay of transportations is common. In my country, if the trains arrive late just ten minutes, the news may be broadcasted in TV program and on the Internet, although, of course, it depends on the scale of them. By the way, I heard travelers, especially females, tend to be involved with crimes like kidnapping, fraud and so on when taking a taxi. Are such events are common around here? In my country, taxi drives may be a criminal victim rather than a defendant.


Is importance attached to punctuality in your country? I heard, in some countries, the delay in transportation is common. In my country, if the trains arrive late just ten minutes, the news may be broadcasted in a TV program and on the Internet, although, of course, it depends on the scale of them. By the way, I heard travelers, especially females, tend to be involved with crimes like kidnapping, fraud and so on when taking a taxi. Are such events _ common around here? In my country, taxi drivers may be crime victims rather than defendants.

1. Proper spelling of the word 'punctuality'.
2. The preposition 'in' is commonly used in this context with the noun 'delay', we say 'a delay in something'.
3. transportation is an uncountable noun, so we should not pluralize it.
4. 'TV program' is singular and countable, so we should use an article before it.
5. The verb 'are' is not needed here, it was used once already at the beginning.
6. The word 'drives' doesn't fit the context, I assume you wanted to use the word 'drivers'.
7. 'Crime' is commonly used in this context, we usually say 'crime victims' or 'victims of crime'. 'Criminal' means that they are involved in crime.
8. 9. The plural 'drivers' was used, so we should use the plural 'victims' and 'defendants', you're making a general statement about more than one person.
Yes some of the events are common especially on women travelling during late hours, it is very dangerous. Did the government deploy police in the trains for safety?

In Japan, police wearing casual clothes sometimes are deployed on the trains. Actually, I watched the news on TV that a university male student was captured on the platform by the police after being seen molesting a lady on the train. He belongs to the university which is most difficult to enter and previously was arrested with similar criminal activity. I was surprised at the news because he didn't withdraw from the university. I felt the Japanese legal system is tolerance for perpetrators of sex crimes. How about in your country? The environment where safety is assured is desired.


In Japan, police wearing casual clothes sometimes are deployed on the trains. Actually, I watched the news on TV that a university male student was captured on the platform by the police after being seen molesting a lady on the train. He belongs to the university which is most difficult to enter and previously was arrested with similar criminal activity. I was surprised at the news because he didn't withdraw from the university. I felt the Japanese legal system is tolerant of perpetrators of sex crimes. How about in your country? The environment where safety is assured is desired.

1. 'Tolerance' is a noun but we need an adjective here to describe the noun phrase 'Japanese legal system', so we should use 'tolerant'.
2. The preposition 'of' is needed here, we say 'to be tolerant of something'.
I don't think the Japanese legal system does tolerate such crimes but I think they are just reluctant on investigations. In my country we usually travel safely. Do women also get abused during the day in japan?

In general, Japan is a safe country, so it is not common that people, of course, including women, are abused in the day time. Also, we can sleep without being concerned about pickpockets. It is nor rare that women walk by themselves around 23 o'clock. I believe that Japanese people have good morals and politeness compared to other countries. I think the reason is based on the fact that Japan is an isolated island and a homogeneous nation. We have grown up receiving almost the same education since we are born. It may lead to a low incidence of crimes.


In general, Japan is a safe country, so it is not common that people, of course, including women, are abused in the day time. Also, we can sleep without being concerned about pickpockets. It is not rare that women walk by themselves around 23 o'clock. I believe that Japanese people have good morals and politeness compared to other countries. I think the reason is based on the fact that Japan is an isolated island and a homogeneous nation. We have grown up receiving almost the same education since we were born. It may lead to a low incidence of crimes.

1. 'Not' is needed here, I assume this is a typing error.
2. You're referring to something that happened in the past, so we need the past tense here
  • slippery(滑りやすい、不安定な)
  • hazardous(危険な、有害な)
  • precarious(不安定な、危ない)
  • hellbent((形)猛スピードの(副)猛スピードで)
  • detour(迂回路、回り道)
  • barrier(s)(障害(物))
  • signage(標識、看板)
  • preclude(妨げる、(物事を)起きないようにする)
  • gridlock((名)道路網全域に及ぶ交通渋滞(動)渋滞させる)
  • icy(凍結した、氷の)
  • Are there any hazardous road conditions that we need to worry about?(気にかけなければならない危険な道路状況はありますか。)
  • We've been in a gridlock since the multi-car accident happened.(私たちは多重自動車事故が起きたため渋滞にはまっています。)
  • Will this weather prevent us from crossing the bridge?(この天気のせいで橋を渡れないでしょうか。)
  • I am hellbent on driving there, even in this fog.(この霧の中でもなんとしてでもそこに行きます。)
  • The roads can be quite icy and slippery in the winter.(冬は道路は凍って滑りやすくなります。)
  • You will need to take a detour before you get to the bridge.(橋に着くまで回り道をする必要があります。)
  • These barriers have been put in place for your safety.(これらの防壁は安全のために設置された。)
  • Crossing the bridge was precarious, to say the least.(橋を渡るのは危険だと言わざるを得ない。)
  • Since the road is closed, what are our options?(道路が閉鎖されているから、どうすればいいかな。)
  • Why wasn't there any signs warning us of hazardous conditions?(なぜ危険な道路状況だと警告する表示がなかったのですか。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 交通機関
  • 方法/状況を話す