
Asking for directions
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。

Excuse me? Could you tell me how to get to the A movie theatre? I don't know my present location.


Excuse me? Could you tell me how to get to the A movie theatre? I don't know my present location.

1. Alternative: where I am right now.
Sure, let me help you out. Do you have a smartphone or a map with you that I can help guide you using landmarks and street names?

Yes,I have my smartphone that you can guide me. But it don't indicate my now location information.


Yes, I have my smartphone that you can use to guide me. However,  it can't indicate my current location    .

1. To correctly and clearly express what action the person will do, add “use”.
2. BUT is a type of conjunction and it is not used at the start of a sentence.
3. An. An adjective is needed here that will modify the noun “location”. NOW is an adverb.
4. There is no need to use “information” here. The context here is already complete even without it.
Keep walking for two blocks, then turn left at the next corner.You'll see a large red building on your right-hand side. Keep going past it for a few blocks, then turn right at the next street.Cross the street and walk towards the park. The theater is located just across from the entrance.

Thank you! I understood your introduction.


Thank you! I understand your instruction.

1. A past participle is not needed here. Just use the base form of the verb. Usually, it’s just “I understand”.
2. The correct word to use is “instruction”.
You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. Is there anything else you need help with, or is there any other information you need?

I have no question. I am appreciate your kindness. Thank you!


I have no questions. I    appreciate your kindness. Thank you!

1. Alternative: Everything is clear.
2. There’s no need to use the verb “am” here since the “appreciate” is also a verb that is in the base form.
  • landmark(ランドマーク(居場所が分かる目標になるような建物、自然の物))
  • proceed((ある方向に)進む)
  • adjacent(隣接した)
  • beyond(~の向こう側に、~を越えて)
  • route(経路、路線)
  • shortcut(近道、抜け道)
  • destination(目的地、行き先)
  • backtrack((来た時と)同じ道を引き返す)
  • intersection(交差点)
  • roundabout(回り道、(イギリスや豪州でラウンドアバウト)環状交差点)
  • We went off the beaten track and ended up lost.(人通りの少ないところに行ったら道に迷ってしまった。)
  • You need to backtrack a bit and head in this direction.(少し引き返してこの方向に向かう必要があります。)
  • Can I take a shortcut through this park?(この公園を通って近道できますか。)
  • The theater that you're looking for is adjacent to the park.(あなたがお探しの劇場は公園に隣接していますよ。)
  • What's the nearest landmark to Point A?(A地点までの一番近い目印は何?)
  • Just proceed down this street and turn right at the intersection.(この通りを進み、交差点で右に曲がってください。)
  • If you see the post office, you've gone too far.(郵便局が見えたら、行き過ぎです。)
  • Can I get to my destination without going through this neighborhood?(この近くを通らずに目的地に行けますか。)
  • My husband gave me directions, but it's like the "blind leading the blind".(夫は私に指示を出してくれましたが、「盲人が盲人を導く」ようなものです。)
  • I've been walking in circles all afternoon.(午後中ずっと同じ場所をぐるぐる回っています。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 交通機関
  • 場所/時間を話す