
Taking a train
Hello. May I help you?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hello. May I help you?

Yes, I couldn't find a train bound for the city hall. Could you tell me what platform I should go to and what time the next train will leave?


Yes, I couldn't find a train bound for the city hall. Can you please tell me the platform I should go to and the time the next train will leave?

1. This is a more polite expression to use here to ask for something from someone.
2and3. Make use of this definite article here instead. The definite article, ('the") is used before a noun to define it as something specific (e.g., something previously mentioned or known, something unique, or something being identified by the speaker.)
Oh, that's because you are at the wrong line. You have to transfer to the next line first. Get off at ABC station (that is two stations away from here) and turn right. You will be able to see Line 3 there. Take the northern bound and get off at GLA station.

Oh, really? I just came from ABC station. I didn't know what happened, but the platform was in an emergency situation. The train will not run at least for one hour, that's why I had to come here to find alternatives. Are there any other routes I can use?


Oh, really? I just came from ABC station. I didn't know what happened, but the platform was in an emergency situation. The train will not run for at least an hour, that's why I had to come here to find alternatives. Are there any other routes I can use?

1. This is the correct word order to use here to give a more coherent expression. Your word order was incoherent.
2. Make use of this determiner here instead to refer to a singular noun.
In that case, you just have to take a taxi. There's no other way you can go there but by a taxi. It's just cheap. It's also fast as the driver can take a shortcut. Just pay 100 yen.

I see. I'll take a taxi then. When I go back home later, I might be here again to take a train.
Well, I don't have a timetable. What time is the last train to the North area? If it doesn't cause you any trouble, would you check it for me, please?


I see. I'll take a taxi then. I might return here again to take a train.
Well, I don't have a timetable. What time does the last train leave for the Northern area? If it doesn't cause you any trouble, can you check it for me, please?

1. Your original phrasing was overly wordy, avoid repetition by making use of this word choice and structure.
2. Make use of this clearer expression here to bring out your idea. Your original question was inexplicit.
3. Make use of the adjective of this word here to show that you are referring to a place situated in the north, or directed towards or facing the north.
4. This is the correct verb to use here to ask for something from someone.
Don't worry about the schedule because a train arrives every after 20 minutes I guess. Anyway, the station is open only until 10:00 p.m.

Thank you for the information about the schedule. By the way, where can I get back the part of the train fare from here to the city hall station?


Thank you for the information about the schedule. By the way, where can I get a refund of the train fare I paid at the city hall station?

1. Your original sentence was undecipherable. This expression clearly expresses what you intended to say.
Do you mean your receipt or ticket? You can ask the cashier about that. Do you need that for liquidation or refund?

Since I didn't use the prepaid IC card and just bought a one-way ticket, I don't think I can go through the ticket gate directly to liquidate the fare. I guess I should go to the ticket office to ask for a refund first.


Since I didn't use the prepaid IC card and just bought a one-way ticket, I don't think I can go through the ticket gate directly to liquidate the fare. I suppose I should go to the ticket office to request a refund first.

1and2. Great work, you can also make use of these verbs to express the same idea.
  • transit(別便への乗り換え、運送、ルート)
  • platform((駅の)プラットフォーム)
  • track((鉄道の)線路)
  • attendant(添乗員、案内係)
  • emergency((名)緊急事態、(形)緊急の)
  • timetable(時刻表、時間割)
  • turnstile((回転式)改札口、自動改札口)
  • bound((列車などが)~行きの)
  • connecting((名)乗り継ぎ(形)乗り継ぎの、接続の)
  • boarding(乗車、搭乗、乗船)
  • What platform should I go to for the next train bound for Point A?(A地点へ向かう次の電車に乗るには、どのホームに行けば良いですか。)
  • Please go to Track 2 if you want to go to Point A.(A地点へ行くなら、2番線に行ってください。)
  • I need to ask a station attendant a question about the delayed train.(遅延列車について駅員に尋ねる必要があります。)
  • Is there a connecting passageway to Point A at this station?(この駅にはA地点への連絡通路はありますか。)
  • I'd like to report an emergency situation on the upper platform.(ホーム上部で緊急事態が起きています。)
  • Is the time schedule available online?(時刻表はネットでアクセス可能ですか。)
  • Are there any special boarding procedures for the bullet train?(新幹線に乗るには特別な乗車手続きがありますか。)
  • What should I do if the ticket gate malfunctions?(自動改札が故障したらどうすればいいですか。)
  • What time is the last train to Point A?(A地点への最終列車は何時ですか。)
  • Where is the lost-and-found office?(遺失物取扱所はどこですか。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 交通機関
  • 方法/状況を話す