Picking up baggage
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Good afternoon. What can I do for you?
Hello, I cannot find my baggage. I've just arrived from Tokyo via Beograd. Could you help me?
Hello, my baggage seems to be lost. I've just arrived from Tokyo via Beograd. Could you lend me a hand?
1.2. Great work; there was no error here. Alternatively, you can make use of these words to express the same idea.
Very well. Please tell me your name and describe your baggage. How many items of baggage did you have?
I'm Fujimura. My baggage base color is peal gold. It has three handles on the top and the side. One of the handles on the top, it's expandable. Oh, I put the yellow Pikachu baggage tag on the horizontal handle.
I'm Fujimura. My baggage base color is pearl gold. It has three handles on the top and the side. One of the handles on the top is expandable. Oh, also, I put a yellow Pikachu baggage tag on the horizontal handle.
Noted. I just received word from the baggage department that there was a malfunction with the baggage carousel. Would you please wait 10 minutes until they can sort the problem out and find your baggage?
- baggage carousel(荷物を運ぶ回転式コンベヤー)
- compensation(賠償、保証金)
- eligible((名)有資格者(動)(~する)資格のある)
- tamper((器具、書類などを)いじくる、へたに手を加える、(悪質な)いたずらをする)
- enroute((…からの・…への)途中で、途中の)
- misdirected(見当違いの、間違った)
- misplaced(間違っておかれた、一時的に見失った)
- mishandle(~を誤って取り扱う、~を手荒く扱う)
- reimbursement(弁償、返済、賠償)
- essentials(本質的要素、不可欠なもの)
- baggage claim area(手荷物引取り所)
- mishandled baggage(誤った荷物)
- automatic scanner(自動スキャナー、光学読取装置)
- conveyor belt(コンベヤーベルト)
- Can you help me locate my missing bags?(私のカバンを探すのを手伝ってくれますか。)
- Where is the lost luggage office?(紛失物取扱い所はどこですか。)
- Where is the customs clearance area?(通関手続きはどこですか。)
- Can I receive compensation for this?(弁償してもらえますか。)
- luggage delivery service(荷物配送サービス)
- My luggage seems to have been messed with.(私の荷物は中身をいじられたようです。)