Exchanging money
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hello. what can I do for you?
Can I change 1 million Japanese yen to is US dollar?
Can I exchange 1 million Japanese yen for US dollars?
1. Your original sentence was incoherent, therefore, make use of this phrase to give an understandable expression.
We are afraid that we cannot be able to exchange that big amount of money here. We can also exchange a maximum of half a million yen.
Sure. We can give you an estimated exchange rate for sure. At this moment, a dollar is equivalent to 109 yen.
Do I need to pay commission to exchange the money for your company?
Yes, you are right about that. Don't worry, you only have to pay 2% of the total amount that you want to exchange. We offer the least charge in this city.
- currency(通貨、貨幣)
- transaction(取引、売買)
- preferential(優先の、優遇の)
- manipulation((機械などの)巧みな操作、取り扱い)
- conversion((計量単位や通貨などの)変換、換算)
- invalid(無効な、正しくない)
- commission(手数料、歩合)
- fluctuations((価格等の)変動)
- quote((人に)値段や相場を言う)
- favorable(有利な)
- What's the current exchange rate for American dollars to Japanese yen?(米ドルと日本円の現在の為替レートはいくらですか。)
- While frequently used online, digital currency is still not commonplace in most brick and mortar stores.(ネット上では頻繁に利用されているデジタル通貨ですが、実店舗ではまだ一般的ではありません。)
- Do you charge a commission?(手数料はかかりますか?)
- When buying and selling foreign currency, clients can execute this transaction using a preferential exchange rate.(外貨を売買する際には、優遇された為替レートで取引を行うことができます。)
- The spot exchange rate is the price a person would have to pay in one currency to buy another currency today(スポット為替レートは、今日、人がある通貨で別の通貨を買うために支払わなければならない価格です。)
- dealer's margin (profit)(ディーラーマージンとは、ディーラーが車両を購入する際に支払うインボイス価格とメーカー希望小売価格との差額のことです。)
- A quoted interest rate can be converted to periodic interest rate by dividing it with the number of compounding periods per year.(提示された金利は、それを年間の複利期間の数で割ることで周期金利に変換することができます。)
- I need to remember to go to the money exchange before I get to my hotel.(ホテルに着く前に両替所に行くのを忘れないようにしないといけません。)
- Is there a currency exchange counter on this floor?(この階に両替カウンターはありますか。)
- travelers check(s)(トラベラーズチェック)