Thank you. I'm looking forward to the in-flight meal. Seafood noodles, please.
Thank you. I'm looking forward to the in-flight meal. Seafood noodles, please.
I want to drink a cup of cold juice. What kind of juice do you have?
That's good. I like apple juice. Please give me it. I do not have any dietary preferences or restrictions, but I don't need ice with apple juice.
That's good. I like apple juice, so may I have a cup, please? I do not have any dietary preferences or restrictions, but I don't need ice in my apple juice.
Thank you for your consideration. I'm going to sleep after finishing the dinner time. Can you tell me what time is the next meal? Also, can I borrow a blanket?
I appreciate you. I'm very comfortable now. I don't have anything more to request you.
- vegan((極端な)菜食主義者(の) 〈肉・魚・卵・チーズ・ミルクなどもとらない〉)
- vegetable(s)(野菜)
- cholesterol(コレステロール)
- alternative((名)二者択一、(~に)代わるもの (形)代わりの)
- allergy, allergies(アレルギー)
- condiment(香辛料、薬味)
- cutlery(イギリス英語(集合的に)刃物類、ナイフ・フォーク・スプーンなど アメリカ英語ではflatware, silverwareとも言います)
- kosher((ユダヤ教のおきてに従って料理された)食物)
- renowned((~として)有名な、高名な)
- premium(上等な、高級な)
- gluten free(グルテンの入っていない、無グルテンの)
- low salt diet(減塩食、低塩食)
- high cholesterol(高コレステロール)
- lactose intolerance(乳糖(ラクトース)不耐症)
- in-flight meal(機内食)
- There is a premium meal that is available for rewards members.(特典会員向けのプレミアムミールがあります。)
- sugar substitute(砂糖の代用品)
- May I save this for later?(これは後に残しておいていいですか。)
- renowned chef(著名なシェフ)
- What are my choices again?(選択肢はなんでしたっけ。)