
Talking about something that you became interested in recently
Have you been doing anything interesting lately?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Have you been doing anything interesting lately?

I'm in to the Japanese history,my favorite history is Sengoku period. I wanna become a tourist guide.


I'm into    Japanese history, my favorite history is the Sengoku period. I want to become a tourist guide.

1. Redundancy.
2. The definite article ("the'')is used before a noun to define it as something specific (e.g., something previously mentioned or known, something unique, or something being identified by the speaker).
That's nice . Have you thought about how to start pursuing your dream of becoming a tourist guide ?

I have to more study Japanese history and may country's things.And I have to study English for foreign tourist.First, I joined Ueno guided tour to l learn how to guide.


I have to study Japanese history more and many country's things. Also, I have to study English for foreign tourists. First, I joined the Ueno guided tour to l learn how to guide.

1. Correct word order.
2. Correct spelling.
3. Remember you can not start a sentence with a conjunction, therefore, make use of this adverb.
4. Change to the plural noun form to fix the agreement mistake here.
5. The definite article ("the'')is used before a noun to define it as something specific (e.g., something previously mentioned or known, something unique, or something being identified by the speaker).
That's good. It would be a good chance to use English regularly. Why do you like the Sengoku period?

I guess Sengoku period is an important era when Japan was unified. I interpreted in Tokugawa Ieyasu and Oda Nobunaga.


I guess the Sengoku period was an important era when Japan was unified. I really enjoyed learning about Tokugawa Ieyasu and Oda Nobunaga.

1. The definite article ("the'')is used before a noun to define it as something specific (e.g., something previously mentioned or known, something unique, or something being identified by the speaker).
2. Make use of the past tense verb here to show that you are talking about something that happened in the past
3. This is a more concise word structure for a definitive sentence
That sounds like an interesting period. By the way, which countries do most foreign tourists come from?

I guess Korea china and America peoples come in Japan .


I guess Korean, Chinese, and American people come to Japan.

1. This is a more concise word structure for a definitive sentence
Absolutely! Japan attracts tourists from various countries. What do you think makes Japan a popular destination for people from Korea, China, and America?

I guess Japan have many interesting places, for example Kyoto,Tokyo,Kyushu,Okinawa,Hokkaido ,and there have many history .and city is very clean , and Japanese food is very tasty.


I guess Japan has many interesting places, for example, Kyoto, Tokyo, Kyushu, Okinawa, and Hokkaido, and they have so much history. The cities are very clean, and Japanese food is very tasty.

1. Make use of the singular verb form since you are referring to a singular noun.
2. Rephrase for clarity.
3. Change to the plural noun form to fix the agreement mistake here.
4. Make use of the plural verb form since you are referring to a plural noun.
  • fulfilling((形)達成感を与える)
  • rewarding(報われる、価値がある、(~する)かいのある)
  • diverse(異なる、さまざまな、多様な)
  • whim((~に対する)気まぐれな思いつき、出来心)
  • leisure(余暇、自由時間)
  • enthusiasm(熱中、強い興味、(~したいという)熱意)
  • pastime(気晴らし、娯楽、趣味)
  • amusement(楽しみ、娯楽)
  • passion(情熱、(激しい)感情)
  • indulge((人が趣味などに)ふける、没頭する)
  • I'm craving for more excitement in my life.(私は日常生活の中でもっとワクワクできることを求めている。)
  • leisure / free time(余暇、レジャー)
  • quality of life(生活の質 ※日常生活における精神的・身体的・社会的・文化的・知的な満足度(省略形)QOL)
  • recreational activities(レクリエーション活動)
  • She longed to spend quality time with family and friends.(家族や友人と充実した時間を過ごすことを切望していた。)
  • multiple interests(多様な興味、いろいろな興味)
  • I'm indulging myself in a new hobby.(私は新しい趣味にふけっています。)
  • It's a deeply rewarding and fulfilling activity.(それはとてもやりがいのある、充実した活動です。)
  • unexpected benefits(予期せぬ恩恵)
  • I'm trying to broaden my horizons.(視野を広げようとしています。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 自己紹介
  • 趣味/好み