
What do you do during your commute?
What do you do during your commute?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What do you do during your commute?

I like reading e-books in English on Kindle when commuting. You will ask what kind of book I read. Books about History and politics interest me.


I like reading e-books in English on Kindle when commuting. You will ask what kind of books I read. Books about history and politics interest me.

1. Use a plural noun for things in general.
2. Use lowercase as names of subjects, except for languages, are common nouns.
Those are difficult subjects. Are they history and politics books about Japan or also other countries? Why do they interest you?

They are about both Japan and other countries. Those books help expand my vocabulary. Of course, an all-one-fit approach doesn't exist to do that, and it depends on the person. The more words I learn, the more I can listen to. Since I joined BestTeacher, my listening skills have dramatically improved.


They are about both Japan and other countries. Those books help expand my vocabulary. Of course, an all-one-fit approach doesn't exist to do that, and it depends on the person. The more words I learn, the more I can listen to    . Since I joined BestTeacher, my listening skills have dramatically improved.

1. You need a noun or noun phrase as the object of ''listen to'', e.g., ''something''. Wouldn't it be better to use ''...the more I can understand''?
It's great to hear that your listening skills are improving. Well done! Have you tried listening to audio books in order to improve your listening further?

Passive inputs haven't kept me focused for a long time since I was a child, even if it's in Japanese. They don't allow me to skip extra parts easily compared to active inputs like reading. I can't be patient enough to watch even a cooking video to the end because of unnecessary portions. Cookbooks are easier and faster to understand for me. For that, I hardly watch movies or shows, but I do short videos on YouTube or listen to the radio. News programs are better for me because each story only airs for around five minutes.


Passive inputs haven't kept me focused for a long time since I was a child, even if it's in Japanese. They don't allow me to skip extra parts easily compared to active inputs like reading. I am not patient enough to watch even a cooking video to the end because of unnecessary portions. I find cookbooks easier and faster to understand      I hardly watch movies or shows, but I do short videos on YouTube or listen to the radio. News programs are better for me because each story only airs for around five minutes.

1. Use the present tense for something that happens regularly.
2. & 3. Use ''I find cookbooks'' for clarity and leave out ''for me'' as it is no longer necessary.
4. Leave out ''For that'' as it is unnecessary.
5. Do you mean ''watch''?
  • efficient(効率の良い、有効な)
  • maximize(最大限に活用する)
  • pretense(口実、言い訳、真似、ふり)
  • microcosm(縮図)
  • electronics(エレクトロニクス、電子工学)
  • gadgets(ガジェット、ちょっとした装置、仕掛け、工夫)
  • tolerance(我慢、辛抱、耐性)
  • solitude(孤独、寂しさ、寂しい場所)
  • opportunistic(日和見主義の、ご都合主義の)
  • resigned(あきらめた、辞任した)
  • pretend to sleep(眠っているふりをする)
  • microcosm of Japanese society(日本社会の縮図)
  • personal / private space(私的空間)
  • efficient use of time(時間の有効活用)
  • unwritten / unspoken rules(不文律 / 暗黙の了解)
  • lose myself in thought(物思いにふける)
  • During commuting time, I try to use my time wisely.(通勤時間は時間を有効に使おうとします。)
  • cross section(断面、多様性)
  • catch up on my reading(読みかけの本を読む)
  • electronic gadgets(電子機器)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 仕事関係
  • 習慣