
Helping out with housework
Gosh! I have a lot of housework to do today.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Gosh! I have a lot of housework to do today.

Oh, may I help you with something? I can wash those dishes instead.


Oh, may I help you with something? I can wash those dishes instead.

1. You expressed yourself well here. There is nothing to correct, so this is an alternative expression we could use in this context - "I could help by doing the dishes".
You’re an angel! Are you sure? I don’t want to get in your way. Don’t you have anything planned to do today?

I am just going to the Library to return some books, but it's not urgent actually. If you need some help, I'm willing to help you.


I am just going to the library to return some books, but it's not urgent actually. If you need some help, I'm willing to help you.

1. We don't need to capitalize the common noun "library".
Thank you! I am grateful for your offer, really. What are you most comfortable in doing? You could vacuum the floor, wash the dishes or cook lunch.

Well, honestly, I'm not good at cooking,so let me help you with cleaning the house. Vacuuming the floor and washing the dishes are no problems.


Well, honestly, I'm not good at cooking, so let me help you with cleaning the house. Vacuuming the floor and washing the dishes are no problems.

1. You expressed yourself well here. There is nothing to correct, so this is an alternative expression we could use in this context - "so allow me to assist you with cleaning the house instead."
That's so kind of you to offer! Would you like to start with the dishes while I tackle the vacuuming?

Sure! When I was a child, I was in charge of washing dishes at home. After that, I will vacuum the floor, so please leave as it is. You can take a rest for a while.


Sure! When I was a child, I was in charge of washing dishes at home. After that, I will vacuum the floor, so please leave it as it is. You can take a rest for a while.

1. An object is required after "leave" to specify what the person should leave. We could use "it".
It sounds like you were a very responsible kid! Do you have other chores you enjoy doing around the house?

I am good at doing laundry. Especially, I like folding clothes properly. If you don't mind, I will help you with laundry from now.


I am good at doing laundry. I especially like folding clothes properly. If you don't mind, I will help you with the laundry from now.

1. The adverb "especially" should be placed before the verb it modifies "like". In formal or academic writing, we usually avoid using "especially" as an introductory phrase at the beginning of a sentence. We can use “especially” at the start of a sentence when it’s synonymous with “to a great degree,” and we are trying to explain the cause and effect of something happening to a great degree.
2. We use the definite article "the" in front of a noun when we believe the listener/reader knows exactly which specific noun we are referring to. You're referring to a specific noun, specific 'laundry', so we need the definite article 'the' here.
  • mowing(草刈り )
  • wipe windows(窓ふきをする)
  • a washing machine(洗濯機)
  • be good at~(~が得意だ)
  • handwork(手仕事)
  • heavy labor(重労働,力仕事)
  • a dish(皿,料理)
  • Can I help you? You seem to have many things to do.(お手伝いしましょうか?やることがたくさんあって大変そうですし。)
  • I'd love to help you.(喜んでお手伝いしますよ。)
  • I just finished cleaning my room and washing the dishes. What should I do next?(ちょうど部屋の掃除と皿洗い終わりました。次は何しましょう?)
  • I'm not good at doing housework, but I'll try my best.(家事は得意ではないですが、なんとかやってみます。)
  • What shall I do for you now?(今は何をしましょうか?)


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