
Celebrating a birthday
Thank you for coming to my birthday party.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Thank you for coming to my birthday party.

Happy birth day, Panda!


Happy birthday, Panda! Thanks for inviting me to your party.

1. Consider removing the space between the two words.
2. Great job! Here's an expression you can use in this context to expand and enrich your reply.
Thank you! I'm glad you made it. Did you have a hard time finding my place? Please come in and enjoy yourself.

No, not at all. Actually, I'm familiar with this city. Here is a gift for you. Happy birth day!


No, not at all. Actually, I'm familiar with this city. Here is a gift for you. I hope you like it. Happy birthday!

1. Alternatively, you can use the contraction "here's" which is short for "here is" in this context.
2. Great job! Here's an expression you can use in this context to expand and enrich your reply.
3. Consider removing the space between the two words.
Thank you again. Please enjoy the food. My sister and I prepared all the food. Would you like to try our Paella?

Wow, you did? Amazing! Of course! I love Paella!


Wow, you did? Amazing! Of course! I love Paella! I definitely would like to try it.

1. Great job! Here's an expression you can use in this context to expand and enrich your reply.
That's great to hear! Here you go. Please help yourself with any food that is to your liking. Do you have any food allergies?

Fantastic! You are amazing! There is nothing I can't eat!


Fantastic! You are amazing! There is nothing I can't eat!

1. Alternatively, you can use the contraction "you're" which is short for "you are" in this context.
2. Alternatively, you can use the contraction "there's" which is short for "there is" in this context.
Wonderful! Here are the other dishes that we prepared. I hope you enjoy all of them. By the way, what would you like to drink?

I don't drink any alcohol. So, water, please.


All right, let's dig in!
I don't drink any alcohol, so water, please.

1. Great job! Here's an expression you can use in this context to expand and enrich your reply. The phrasal verb "dig in" means to start eating, especially eagerly.
2. When you use coordinating conjunctions (and, or, so, but) to connect two independent clauses, use a comma before the conjunction, and don't start a sentence using the conjunction.
  • a birthday card(バースデーカード)
  • a surprise party(サプライズパーティー)
  • in celebration of a person's birthday(誕生日をお祝いして)
  • celebrate~(~を祝う)
  • birthday present(誕生日プレゼント)
  • Yes, of course. Happy birthday!!(もちろん。誕生日おめでとう! )
  • May your wish come true!!(願いが叶うといいね!)
  • This cake is very big, isn't it?(このケーキはとても大きいですよね。)
  • What do you want to do this year?(今年は何をしてみたいですか?)
  • I hope your day is special.(今日という日が特別な日でありますように。 )


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • スモールトーク
  • ホームステイ
  • 感謝する