
Giving out souvenirs from Japan
Welcome to our home!
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Welcome to our home!

Thank you. Nice to meet you. I have been looking forward to meeting you. This is my first study abroad. So I am a little nervous. Best regards.


Thank you. Nice to meet you. I've been looking forward to meeting you. This is my first study abroad, so I'm a little nervous.   

1 & 3. It is best to express these as contractions since this is a casual conversation.
2. Replaced the full stop with a comma to join the sentences as they are linked.
4. Removed this sentence as it is unnecessary.
Nice to meet you, too. You can call me Arlene. Don't worry we will show you around our town. You will surely like it here. Let me help you with your things.

Thank you very much. By the way, I'd like to give you japanese bollpoint pen, Matcha Flavored Kit Kat and origami. I folded them with my friends. This is paper cranes and kabuto.


Thank you very much. By the way, I'd like to give you a Japanese ballpoint pen, a matcha-flavoured Kit Kat and origami. I folded them with my friends. These are paper cranes and kabuto.

1 & 4. An indefinite article is needed with a singular non-specific noun.
2. The first letter is capitalised since this is an adjective derived from a proper noun.
3. Corrected the spelling.
5. No need to capitalise the first letter since this is not a proper noun.
6. These words are joined with a hyphen
7. Better phrasing since you are referring to multiple objects.
Oh wow! Thank you for all of these. I love matcha. It's my favorite. I usually look for matcha Kit Kat at our 7-Eleven stores but I can't find one. Please teach us how to make paper cranes when we have time, too.

Sure. I am glad you liked it. There are a lot of match flavored sweets in Japan. Also, you are able to make matcha and drink it. It may be bitterer than matcha sweets.


Sure. I'm glad you like it. There are a lot of match-flavored sweets in Japan. Also, you can make matcha and drink it. It may be more bitter than matcha sweets.

1. It is best to express this as a contraction since this is a casual conversation.
2. Since you are talking about the present time, the verb is expressed in the present tense.
3. These words are joined with a hyphen.
4. This modal verb is a better word to use here.
5. Better phrasing since "bitter" does not have a comparative adjective form.
Are there famous matcha restaurants in Tokyo that you can recommend? Anyway, we prepared some snacks and lunch for you. Let's go inside.

Kyoto is the most famous of matcha in Japan. If you come to Japan, you should visit Kyoto. Oh, thank you. I'm hungry.


Kyoto is famous for its matcha. If you come to Japan, you should visit Kyoto. Oh, thank you. I'm hungry.

1. Better phrasing to mean the matcha from Kyoto is well-known.
Dig in! This is our iconic soup. It's called sinigang. It's sour soup with a lot of vegetables! Try it! How far is Kyoto from Tokyo by the way?

Wow! It looks very delicious. I want to eat soon. It takes about 3 hours by bullet train. I will visit Kyoto in October.


Wow! It looks very delicious. I can't wait to eat it. It takes about three hours by bullet train. I'll visit Kyoto in October.

1. This is a better way to phrase this part.
2. Numbers less than ten are generally written out in words.
3. It is best to express this as a contraction since this is a casual conversation.
  • gift(贈り物)
  • souvenir(おみやげ)
  • stay at~(~に滞在する)
  • Thank you for~(~に感謝します,~をありがとう)
  • host family(ホストファミリー)
  • Thank you for your warm welcome. This is a souvenir for you.(温かく迎えていただきありがとうございます。これはあなたへのお土産です。)
  • This is a small gift for you from Japan. I hope you like it.(これは、日本からあなたへのささやかな贈り物です。気に入っていただけると嬉しいです。)
  • It’s nice to meet you. I am Kentaro. Please call me Kenta.(よろしくお願いします。私はケンタロウです。 ケンタと呼んでください。)
  • I feel great!(気分は最高ですよ。)
  • Could you show me how this works?(これをどうやって使うか教えてもらえますか?)
  • Can I help you?(お手伝いしましょうか?)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • ホームステイ
  • 留学
  • 感謝する