
Talking about your sickness
Hello. What seems to be the problem?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hello. What seems to be the problem?

I have been having a terrible cold since this morning. I have a muscle pain, nausea and a chilly feeling. These must be a symptom of flu, aren't they?


I have had a terrible cold since this morning. I have a muscle pain, nausea and a chilly feeling. These must be symptoms of the flu, aren't they?

1) Although "have been having" is acceptable, it sounds more natural to say "have had."
2) We have a list of many symptoms, so we need the plural form there.
3) We usually use "the" for of-phrases
It is, but it could also suggest something else. Do you often feel this way when you are to have a flu?

No, I do not feel nausea most of the time. And I also have a terrible sore throat as usual.


No, I do not feel nauseous most of the time. And I also have a terrible sore throat as usual.

- "Nausea" is a noun; we need the adjective form for "feel."
Let me check your temperature. You are a bit hot. Have you tried taking any medicine yet, or did you go straight to me?

I came straight to you without taking any drugs. My father had told me since I was 5 not to take any drugs, because he believes they make us weak and more vulnerable to diseases.


I came straight to you without taking any drugs. My father has told me since I was 5 not to take any drugs because he believes they make us weak and more vulnerable to diseases.

1) We use the past perfect tense when we're talking about a time before a past time. I suppose your father is still alive, and he still keeps on telling you the same thing now, we need to use the present perfect verb tense.
2) We don't need a comma before "because."
That's true to some extent but not at all times. Let me check your blood pressure. It's still normal. Since this morning, had your symptoms gotten worse, or is it constant?

It's got pretty worse. When I wake up, I only felt a slight fever. Then I decided to keep sleeping, and when I wake up 12, the symptoms became pretty terrible. It's got worse so quickly!


They've gotten pretty worse. When I woke up, I only felt a slight fever. Then I decided to keep sleeping, and when I woke up at 12, the symptoms became pretty terrible. My condition has gotten worse so quickly!

1) Since the question was about the symptoms, we need to use the plural form there.
2/3) We need the past tense verb there as it already happened and you're already awake now.
4) We use "at" for time.
5) Rephrased for clarity.
6) That's another way of conveying your thought.
I'll give you a prescription. You should take this 3 times a day everyday for 3 days with 6 hours interval. If you don't feel better after, please come back here, okay?

I understood. Thanks for all your help!


I understand. Thanks for all your help!

- We always say "I understand" or simply, "Understood."
  • hoarse(声が枯れている)
  • an upset stomach(胃が痛む)
  • symptom(症状,兆候)
  • sneeze(くしゃみする)
  • itchy eyes(目が痒い)
  • be absent from~(~を欠席する)
  • stiff(凝っている)
  • blow one's nose(鼻をかむ)
  • I'm not in good shape. I have an upset stomach and also feel nauseous.(体調はよくないですね。胃が痛いし、ムカムカします。)
  • I have had these symptoms for about a week. Because of this, I have been absent from work.(約1週間前からこのような症状が出ています。そのため、仕事を休んでいます。)
  • I have to keep blowing my nose.(鼻水が止まらないの。)
  • I've been having itchy eyes and have been sneezing since coming to this country.(私はこの国に来て以来よくくしゃみをしますし,目もかゆいです。)
  • My nose is stuffed up.(鼻が詰まってます。)
  • My body is stiff.(体が凝ってます。)
  • I have a loose tooth.(歯がぐらつきます。)
  • My voice is hoarse.(声がかすれています。)
  • My ears are ringing.(耳鳴りがします。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 体調
  • 病院