
Telling about your symptoms at the hospital
Hello. What seems to be the problem?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hello. What seems to be the problem?

I have a stiff neck and shoulders. My left arm hurts and sometimes I feel a twitch. You prescribed Tarlige tablets two weeks ago, but I don't feel better.


I have a stiff neck and shoulders. My left arm hurts and sometimes I feel a twitch. You prescribed Tarlige tablets two weeks ago, but I don't feel better.

Another expression: I don't feel any improvement
I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds like the medication isn't giving you the relief you need. Have you noticed any improvement at all, or is it possible that certain activities are making it worse?

No, I have no idea about certain activities. I think it is little improvement. I still have a little pain in my neck and shoulder.


No, I have no idea about certain activities. I think there is little improvement. I still have a little pain in my neck and shoulder.

1 should use 'there is' to express existence of improvement
Yes. If there has been little improvement then I don't think that the medication is working. Have you ever tried Gabapentin? That may work better for you.

No, I haven't. I would like to try it. I hope that will work and feel better.


No, I haven't. I would like to try it. I hope that will work and I will feel better.

1 subject is needed here, you hope to feel better
  • fever(熱)
  • a sore throat(のどが痛い)
  • nauseous(むかむかする)
  • pain(痛み)
  • wait(待つ)
  • hurt(痛む,痛めつける)
  • serious(重大な)
  • puffy(腫れている)
  • headache(頭痛)
  • toothache(歯痛)
  • I have a fever and sore throat. I have no appetite. (熱と喉の痛みです。食欲もありません。)
  • I have been sick for about three days. Sometimes I'm nauseous, too.(ここ3日ずっと病気な感じです。時々胃がむかむかします。)
  • How long do I have to wait?(どのくらい待たなければなりませんか。)
  • My skin is breaking out.(じんましんが出ています。)
  • The pain is right here.(ここがかなり痛いです。)
  • Is it serious?(どこか悪いところがあるのでしょうか?)
  • WIll I get better soon?(すぐによくなりますかね?)
  • My eyes are puffy.(目が腫れました。)
  • My muscles ache.(筋肉が痛みます。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 体調
  • 病院