
Talking about your old schoolmates
What were your old schoolmates like?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What were your old schoolmates like?

I met my university friend Tomomi at a university lecture. She was a beautiful woman with a mature atmosphere, enthusiastic about her studies, and we often studied together in the library.


I met my university friend Tomomi at a  lecture. She was a beautiful woman with a mature demeanor, enthusiastic about her studies, and we often studied together in the library.

1. This part is redundant as it is implied from the context.
2. We do not really use the noun "atmosphere" to talk about people.
It sounds like Tomomi was both beautiful and intelligent! Do you two still keep in touch? It's great when friendships formed during school can last a lifetime.

Yes, I do, but after graduating from university and getting a job, we have stayed in touch, although the frequency has dropped to once every six months or so.
She is my best friend. She is a hard worker, and I respect the way she always tries her best. I am always studying to be like her. We often went to museums and galleries together as we shared the same love of art appreciation.


Yes, we do, but after graduating from university and getting a job,  the frequency has dropped to once every six months or so.
She's my best friend. In fact, she's a hard worker, and I respect the way she always tries her best. In a way, she's my role model. We often went to museums and galleries together as we share the same love of art  .

1. The question included the pronoun "we", so you should use it in the answer too.
2. This part is redundant as it is implied from the context (you already said "yes, we do").
3,5. It is common to use contracted verb forms in everyday conversations.
4. Avoid repeating same words in single sentences if possible.
6. This is a more natural way to express your thoughts.
7. If this is still true, you should use the present simple.
8. There is no need to use both "love" and "appreciation".
That's awesome you've stayed friends all this time! Do you ever get the chance to visit museums or galleries together anymore?

Tomomi and I have not been to the museum once since the coronavirus pandemic began. When I contacted her at the end of last year, she seemed to be busy with both her personal and professional life and could not make plans to go to the museum. Now that spring has come, I will try to contact her again soon.


Tomomi and I haven't been to the museum  since the coronavirus pandemic began. When I contacted her at the end of last year, she seemed to be busy with both her personal and professional life and couldn't make plans to go to the museum. Now that spring has come, I'll try to contact her again soon.

1,3,4. It is common to use contracted verb forms in everyday conversations.
2. This part is redundant as it is implied from the context.
  • feel a longing to do~(~したいと強く願う)
  • the school song (校歌)
  • keep in contact with~(~と連絡を取り続ける)
  • the class reunion(同窓会)
  • belong to~(~に所属する)
  • look back upon~(~を振り返る)
  • I suppose we will be able to meet again after a year or so.(また1~2年後には集まることができそうです。)
  • The alumni meeting ended with everyone singing the school song together.(同窓会は校歌の大合唱で終わりました。)
  • Do you keep in contact with your classmates from high school?(高校時代のクラスメイトと連絡をとっていますか。)
  • I think class reunions are very important because we can look back upon our youth and reminisce about fond memories.(同窓会は本当に大切ですよ。だって青春時代を振り返ることができますし,懐かしい思い出にふけることもできますし。)
  • I belonged to the golf club when I was in high school.(私は高校時代にゴルフクラブに所属していました。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 自己紹介
  • 家族/友人