
Talking about your friend
Who do you hang out with during your free time?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Who do you hang out with during your free time?

Since I came in the US, I made a lot of friends in our English class. I hang out with them sometimes.


Since I came to the US, I made a lot of friends in our English class. I hang out with them sometimes.

1. The preposition 'to' is required here. We commonly use the structure 'to come to a country'.
It's good to know that you've made friends with second-language learners from different nationalities. Can you tell me the countries where these friends of yours are from?

Yes, it is. Most of my international friends are Brazilian. I don't know why my friends are all of them from Brazil, but they are always positive and lively. I like them.


Yes, it is. Most of my international friends are Brazilian. I don't know why my friends are all    from Brazil, but they are always positive and lively. I like them.

1. "of them" is not required here.
Are your friends mostly men or women? By the way, what did you discover about Brazilian culture and values while hanging out with them?

My friends mostly women. I found out most of Brazilian women has a lot of energy. They laugh a lot, cheerful, love dancing and so on. They are my classmates. In my opinion, they speak English more than Asian students, so they can become fluent quickly than Asian people.


My friends are mostly women. I found out most    Brazilian women have a lot of energy. They laugh a lot, they are cheerful, love dancing and so on. They are my classmates. In my opinion, they speak English more than Asian students, so they can become fluent faster than Asian people.

1. The main verb is required here. We should use "are".
2. The preposition "of" is not required. We either say "most Brazilian women" (Brazilian women in general) or "most of the Brazilian women" (specific Brazilian women) but not "most of Brazilian women".
3. "most Brazilian women" is a plural subject, so we need the plural verb "have" here.
4. The clause requires a subject and a verb with the adjective "cheerful". We could use "they are".
5. We need the comparative adjective "faster" with "than" when making a comparison here.
They sound really interesting indeed. What activities do you usually do with your friends when you are not learning English?

I pick them up every morning, then go to school. We usually go to play pickle ball, eating lunch or dinner with our husband together, having coffee and chatting. Most of women like chatting. We talk various things.


I pick them up every morning, and then go to school. We usually go to play pickleball, eat lunch or dinner with our husbands together, have coffee and chat. Most of the women like chatting. We talk about various things.

1. We need the conjunction "and" to connect the two clauses.
2. "pickleball" is usually written as one word.
3. We need the infinitive "eat" here just like "go" was used. The sentence uses the present simple tense.
4. We need the plural form to talk about more than one husband.
5. We need the infinitive "have" here just like "go" was used. The sentence uses the present simple tense.
6. We need the infinitive "chat" here just like "go" was used. The sentence uses the present simple tense.
7. We should either say "most women" (women in general) or "most of the women" (specific women).
8. The preposition 'about' is required here. We commonly use the structure 'talk about something'.
Wow! You are enjoying your time with your Brazilian friends while learning English. Do you also go out with them on weekends?

Yes, sometimes we go to drinking, restaurants, events and so on. Last time we had lunch at my friend's house. There is huge yard. We had BBQ. It was really nice.


Yes, sometimes we go    drinking, to restaurants, to events and so on. Last time we had lunch at my friend's house. There is a huge yard. We had BBQ. It was really nice.

1. "to" is not required here because "drinking" doesn't represent a place or an event. It is an activity.
2. We need "to" here because "restaurants" represent a place.
3. We need "to" here with "events". We go to events.
4. "Huge yard" is a singular and countable noun, so we should use an article before it.
  • talkative(おしゃべりな)
  • stubborn(頑固だ)
  • be capable of~(~ができる)
  • be incapable of ~(~できない)
  • outgoing(外交的な)
  • an odd fellow(変わり者)
  • have ~ in common(~について共通点がある)
  • He is so talkative, I can't even get in a single word.(彼はとてもおしゃべりで私が一言も話す間もとれないくらいです。)
  • He is someone that our class can't do without.(彼はクラスにはなくてはならない存在です。)
  • My friend and I have a lot in common. (友人と私は似ています。)
  • Yes, of course. My friend's name is Ken and I met him at the university.(もちろん。私には健という友達がいて、彼とは大学で知り合いました。)
  • She is very very shy so I have never seen her get angry or express an opinion.(彼女はとてもとてもシャイなので、怒ったり意見を言ったりしているところを見たことがありません。)
  • He is incapable of lying.(彼は嘘のつけない人です。)
  • My first impression of her was great.(彼女の第一印象はとてもよかったです。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 自己紹介
  • 家族/友人