
Talking with your co-worker about the birth of your baby
Congratulations on the birth of your baby!
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Congratulations on the birth of your baby!

Oh! Thank you. That's kind of you. It's hard to say, but the babies are from a hamster! Perhaps, someone misunderstood what I said.


Oh! Thank you. That's kind of you. It's hard to say, but the babies are from a hamster! Perhaps, someone misunderstood what I said.

1. Good job! Your sentence is correct, but here is how you can rephrase it: "Someone might have misunderstood what I said."
Oh hahaha ,my bad. When did your pet hamster give birth? How many babies did she give birth to? How are you taking care of the babies?

She gave birth to four hamsters, so small. I want to help her, but I try not to see them to calm their environment. I've heard that some animals often become nervous after giving birth and hurt their babies. I will probably check them quietly later.


She gave birth to four hamsters, so small. I want to help her, but I try not to see them to calm their environment. I've heard that some animals often become nervous after giving birth and hurt their babies. I will probably check them quietly later.

1. Good job! Your sentence is correct, but here is how you can rephrase it: "I wish to help her, but I avoid getting close so as not to disturb their environment."
Oh yes, it's true. You can only assist by providing food for the mother and maybe preparing a comfortable place for them to stay. Have you done that so far? Do you intend on keeping all the 4 babies?

I think it's okay because I can hear them moving around in a cage, which is covered with a cloth. Regarding the babies, I'm thinking about giving them to someone who wants to take care of them. If you are interested in it, please let me know. I'll show you when they grow up a little more.


I think it's okay because I can hear them moving around in a cage, which is covered with a cloth. Regarding the babies, I'm thinking about giving them to someone who wants to take care of them. If you are interested in it, please let me know. I'll show you when they grow up a little more.

1. Good job! Your sentence is correct, but here is how you can rephrase it: "I will show them to you once they get a little bigger."
  • scatterbrained(そわそわした、頭が散漫な)
  • behave(振る舞う)
  • mad(怒る)
  • tends to~(~しがちな)
  • raise a child(子供を育てる)
  • the best way to do(最良の方法)
  • come across(目にとまる、偶然巡り合う、横切る)
  • suitable(似合う、ふさわしい)
  • It's time to change his diapers.(おむつを交換する時間です。)
  • How do you feel about being a parent?(親になった気分はどうですか?)
  • I don't feel like I am a father yet.(まだ父親になった気がしません。)
  • I can barely take care of myself.(自分のことすらままならないです。)
  • Your son will look really nice in these clothes.(この洋服はきっとあなたの息子さんにお似合いでしょう。 )
  • Babies need time to get used to eating outside of the womb and their systems need time to adjust. Babies need time for their systems to adjust when starting to eat solid foods.(赤ちゃんが固形物を食べ始めるには、器官に適用させる時間が必要です。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 内定者研修
  • 新入社員研修
  • 感謝する
  • 社内業務