
Talking about New Year's Day in Japan
How is the New Year's holiday in Japan?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How is the New Year's holiday in Japan?

I cooked some New Year's dishes on December 31st. It's common to prepare them before New Year's Day. Additionally, the types of New Year's meals cooked or prepared depend on each family. In the afternoon, my husband and I went to a shrine to pray for good luck this year. I prayed for our health and good fortune. This is how we usually spend New Year's Day.


I cooked some New Year's dishes on December 31st. It's common to prepare them before New Year's Day. Additionally, the types of New Year's meals cooked or prepared depend on each family. In the afternoon, my husband and I went to a shrine to pray for good luck this year. I prayed for our health and good fortune. This is how we usually spend New Year's Day.

1. You expressed yourself well here. There is nothing to correct, so this is an alternative expression we could use in this context - "Moreover, the variety of New Year's meals cooked or prepared is contingent on individual family traditions."
It sounds like you had a lovely and traditional New Year's Eve, preparing special dishes and visiting a shrine for prayers. The focus on health and good fortune is heartwarming. Is there a specific New Year's dish that holds special significance in your family's tradition?

No. However, I made Zouni with white miso. What types of soup stock used depends on the region or people's hometown. Zouni is a soup with mochi-cake and it's one of the dishes eaten during the New Year. My mother's Zouni was made with white miso, so mine is too. However, I like the version with clear soup stock without miso, so I make it on the second day of the New Year period.


No. However, I made Zouni with white miso. What types of soup stock are used depends on the region or people's hometown. Zouni is a soup with mochi-cake and it's one of the dishes eaten during the New Year. My mother's Zouni was made with white miso, so mine is too. However, I like the version with clear soup stock without miso, so I make it on the second day of the New Year period.

1. The linking verb "are" is required here with the past participle "used" to form the passive voice.
Zouni with white miso sounds delicious, and it's interesting how the choice of soup stock can vary based on regional or familial preferences. Do you incorporate other personal twists or specific ingredients in your Zouni to make it yours uniquely?

The ingredients of my Zouni are just radish, carrots, and mochi-cake, so I think it's quite simple. In the future, I want to travel during New Year's Day, so that I can try Zouni from other regions. It must be fun! Besides, I'll be able to experience new year's local festivals. However, it's the most expensive travel season, so first I should save money for it.


The ingredients of my Zouni are just radishes, carrots, and mochi-cake, so I think it's quite simple. In the future, I want to travel during New Year's Day, so that I can try Zouni from other regions. It must be fun! Besides, I'll be able to experience local New Year's festivals. However, it's the most expensive travel season, so first I should save money for it.

1. We need the plural "radishes" to talk about radishes in general. We use the plural form in generalizations.
2. "Local" should be placed before "New Year's".
3. We usually capitalize the proper name "New Year's".
  • sweet omlet(伊達まき)
  • salted herring roe(数の子)
  • pray(お祈りをする)
  • soy sauce(しょうゆ)
  • sweet potato and chestnut(栗きんとん)
  • new year holidays(お正月休み)
  • a relative(親戚)
  • New Year is called "Oshogatsu" in Japanese and our family members and other relatives get together and eat traditional Japanese dishes.(新年は日本語では「お正月」と呼ばれ,その時期は親戚や家族が集まり伝統的な日本食を食べます。)
  • "Osechi ryori" is a specially prepared New Year's dish that is beautifully arranged in lacquer boxes.("おせち料理 "は、特別に用意されたお正月料理で、漆の箱に美しく盛り付けられています。)
  • Each dish that makes up osechi-ryori has a special meaning such as health, longevity, fertility, and luck.(おせち料理には、健康、長寿、子宝、幸運などの意味が込められています。)
  • On New year's, Japanese children play karuta, a traditional Japanese card game and Hagoita, which is similar to badminton.(新年には日本の子どもたちはかるたや羽子板で遊びます。)
  • Although my family and I visit our parents' house on New Year's Day, most Japanese families go to a shrine to pray for luck during the new year.(私たち家族は元旦に実家に行きますが、日本の多くの家庭では神社に行って新年の幸運を祈ります。)
  • Although we don't have Christmas vacation, most Japanese office workers have a New Year's vacation.(我々はクリスマス休暇はないですが,日本の多くの会社員はお正月休みをとります。)
  • We place an ornament called "Kadomatsu" in front of our house's gates. It is made of pine and bamboo. (我々は家の玄関に門松と呼ばれるものをおき,それは松と竹でできています。)
  • We place an ornament called "Kadomatsu" in front of our house's gates. It is made of pine and bamboo. (我々は家の玄関に門松と呼ばれるものをおき,それは松と竹でできています。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • ホームステイ
  • 日本の話