
Talking about drinking
Do you like drinking?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you like drinking?

Yes, I do. I don't drink alochol very often, but I drink it about twice a week.


Yes, I do. I don't drink alochol very often, but I do it about twice a week.

1. Use this word to avoid redundancy.
I see what you mean. That sounds very reasonable. What kind of drinks do you have twice a week personally?

I mainly drink beer or highballs. Sometimes I select a drink that matchs dishes. When I'm having Sushi, I drink Japanese sake.


I mainly drink beer, or highballs. Sometimes I select a drink that matches the dishes, like Japanese sake with sushi.

1. A comma is needed here.
2. Spelling Correction
3. The article "the" is often used with singular nouns to refer to specific things that are already known to the speaker and the listener.
4. To improve the conciseness of this sentence, combine it into one.
Oh, I see. I also love drinking beer sometimes. What kind of beer do you like? Do you have a favorite brand?

I'm not particular about brand, but I often choose a low carbo beer. It tastes no deifferent from normal one. I like import beer too. Sometimes I drink a Belgium beer or German beer at a Restaurant.


Brand doesn't matter much to me, but I tend choose   low carbo beer. They taste just as good as regular ones. I also enjoy imported beers, and occasionally I'll have a Belgian or German beer at a restaurant.

1, 4, and 5. The sentence was modified to enhance clarity and correctness.
2. This word is a better fit for this context.
3. This word is unnecessary.
  • drinking(飲酒)
  • champagne(シャンパン)
  • tequila(テキーラ)
  • whiskey(ウイスキー)
  • Japanese sake(日本酒)
  • I love drinks such as red wine, champagne, tequila, and beer.(私は赤ワイン,シャンパン,テキーラ,ビールといったものを飲みますね。)
  • I'm a heavy drinker.(お酒は強い方ですね。)
  • I'm a slow drinker.(ちびちび飲む方です。)
  • I prefer drinking alone.(ひとり酒が好みです。)
  • I like drinking very much.(私はお酒が大好きです。)
  • I don't drink alcohol very often.(あまりお酒は飲みません。)
  • How much do you usually drink?(どのくらい飲むんですか?)
  • I stopped drinking.(お酒はやめました。)
  • I'm looking for a wine that will go with Japanese food. (和食に合うワインを探しています。)
  • There are many varieties of sake.(我が国には多くの日本酒があります。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 自己紹介
  • 趣味/好み