
Talking about your favorite food
好きな食べ物ならいろいろ表現が浮かんでくるのではないでしょうか? 今まで学んだ表現を駆使して表現してみましょう。
What's your favorite food?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What's your favorite food?

I like a hamburger.


I like hamburgers.

1 better to use plural form, all types of hamburgers
I like burgers too. What do you usually have when you eat one? Fries? How about a drink? I like cola.

I love fries as well.
As for drinks, I recommend to take craft beer. Have you ever tried any craft beers?


I love fries as well.
As for drinks, I recommend trying  craft beer. Have you ever tried any craft beers?

1 better word choice, 'to take' is not used in this context, you can also say 'I recommend craft beer'
I have, yes, but not in Japan. Which particular ones do you like, or would you recommend that I try?

Recently, juicy IPA from the states.
It has a citrus flavor. While they don't have too much bitterness so that we can enjoy the taste of Hamburger!


These days, I like juicy IPA from the States.
It has a citrus flavor.   They don't have too much bitterness so that we can enjoy the taste of hamburgers!

1 better wording, subject is needed
2 it should be capitalized
3 it shouldn't be capitalized, better to use plural form
When it comes to craft beers like juicy IPAs, there are often various flavor profiles and characteristics to explore. Have you tried different brands or variations of juicy IPAs, and if so, do you have any personal favorites?

Good question.
I prefer the one with citrus flavor.


Good question.
I prefer IPAs with a citrus flavor.

1 better to use the name of the beer in this context
2 article is needed with noun 'flavor'
  • vegetarian(菜食主義者)
  • instant noodles(インスタントラーメン)
  • greasy food(脂っこい食べ物)
  • meat lover(肉が好きな人)
  • be allergic to~(~にアレルギーがある)
  • I'm allergic to fish.(魚アレルギーです。)
  • My favorite food is sukiyaki.(私の好きな食べ物はすき焼きです。)
  • I'm a picky eater.(食にはうるさいほうですよ。)
  • I'm a vegetarian. (私は菜食主義者です。)
  • I can eat just about anything.(私は何でも食べます。)
  • I can't wait to have some noodles.(ラーメンが食べたくて仕方ないです。)
  • I don't like greasy food.(脂っこい食べ物は好きではありません。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 自己紹介
  • 趣味/好み