I didn't diagnose your backache from the appearance.
Can you describe your pain?
I didn't diagnose your backache from the appearance.
Can you describe your pain?
Mmmmm, it might come from the atrophy of your muscles relating to your lower back.
In addition, your status when you are driving may not be reasonable.
Yes, that's right.
You must be putting pressure on your shoulders when driving, and it affects your lower back.
Then, you are not able to keep a good posture.
The bone must not be a problem. However, for the records, I will take an x-ray, and then we'll have the results.
The discussion will start after that.
Anyway, I guess a periodical massage may positively affect you.
The bone must not be a problem. However, for the records, I will take an x-ray, and then we'll have the results.
The discussion will start after that.
Anyway, I guess a periodical massage may positively affect you.
- cause(原因)
- spine(背骨)
- muscle strain(肉離れ)
- spinal nerve(脊髄神経)
- tumor(腫瘍)
- When lifting something that is too heavy, remember to lift from the knees.(重いものを持ち上げるときは、膝から持ち上げることを忘れずに。)
- Can you describe your pain?(どのような痛みか教えてください)
- Are you taking any medication?(なにか薬を服用していますか?)
- Have you ever experienced this pain before?(この痛みを感じるのは初めてですか?)
- The doctor will take an x-ray and then we'll have the results.(先生がレントゲンを撮ってくれて、その結果が出ます。)