
Talking about your co-workers
What are your co-workers like?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What are your co-workers like?

My colleagues are good, and I keep a proper distance from them. Yet, one of them is a problem for me. She talks a lot, so I try not to get caught up. I ask her to get to the point or try to finish speaking, but she never stops talking and doesn't care about others. She is pregnant now. I can't believe there is a man who can be patient with her endless chatting like the radio. Everybody is different, lol. I'll have to take charge of part of her work during her maternity leave. I'm feeling blue.


My colleagues are good, and I keep a proper distance from them. Yet, one of them is a problem for me. She talks a lot, so I try not to get caught up. I ask her to get to the point or try to finish speaking, but she never stops talking and doesn't care about others. She is pregnant now. I can't believe there is a man who can be patient with her endless chatting like the radio. Everybody is different,     I'll have to take charge of part of her work during her maternity leave. I'm feeling blue.

1. Leave out ''lol'' as it is informal.
I think you handle her professionally. I hope she becomes more aware of her behaviour. Is she your subordinate? How long have you been working with her?

She is a coworker on the same chain of command and has the same supervisor. One year has passed since she came to our division. Her desk is messy, and leftover snacks are underneath piled documents or her belongings. My boss tells me she must not wipe her bottom after number two. He has a sharp tongue and makes me laugh.


She is a coworker on the same chain of command and has the same supervisor. One year has passed since she came to our division. Her desk is messy, and leftover snacks are underneath piled documents or her belongings. My boss wonders whether she wipes her bottom after number two. He has a sharp tongue and makes me laugh.

1. Rephrase to make the meaning clear.
It sounds like you have a unique dynamic with your coworker. Have you considered talking to her directly about how her constant talking affects your work? It might help improve your working relationship. Also, do you have any strategies for dealing with the messy environment at her desk?

She can't get through as if she is an alien. She behaves herself just five minutes after others ask her not to talk a lot for a long time. If the office were located in a tropical region, bugs or mice would gather at her desk. Some substances that cause allergies blow around her desk. I'll cooperate with my boss to eliminate her from the workplace before her maternity leave.


She can't get through as if she is an alien. She behaves herself just five minutes after others ask her not to talk a lot for a long time. If the office were located in a tropical region, bugs or mice would gather at her desk. Some substances that cause allergies settled around her desk. I'll cooperate with my boss to eliminate her from the workplace before her maternity leave.

1. Use ''settled'' to indicate the state of the desk.
  • most of ~(ほとんどの~)
  • hard to get along with(つきあいにくい,気難しい)
  • hold a party(パーティーを開く)
  • be keen on~(~に集中している,必死だ)
  • a personality(性格)
  • the marriage hunting(婚活)
  • Most of my colleagues are great to work with and we get along well.(ほとんどの同僚は働きやすい人たちでいい感じです。)
  • But one of my colleagues is hard to get to know because she is very quiet and docile.(しかし同僚の一人は付き合いにくい人がいて,その人は静かであまり活動的でないんですよ。)
  • Our co-workers like to socialize, so we often have parties.(同僚たちは社交好きなので、よくパーティーを開いています。)
  • Most of my co-workers are single, so they are always searching for a potential partner.(多くの同僚は独身者で,婚活に必死です。)
  • What do I have to do to improve my relationship with my colleagues? (同僚との関係を改善するためには、何をすればいいのでしょうか?)
  • Generally, there are many people of different personalities.(一般的には、様々な性格の人がいます。)


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