
Talking about your daily commute
How do you get to and from work every day?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How do you get to and from work every day?

Nice to meet you. I'd like you to ask how to get your office.


Nice to meet you. I'd like to ask how you get to your office.

1. "I'd like to ask" indicates your intention to ask a question, and "I'd like you to ask" is incorrect. Use "Get TO your office" to refer to reaching there.
I am more than glad to meet you. I go to the office by bus for 20 minutes. What about you? How do you get to work these days?

I think you are happy because you live in a house not far from your office. It takes for me 1 hour to get to our office by trains.


It's so awesome that you live in a house that is not far from your office. It takes me an hour to get to our office by train.

1. Use this expression to express your opinion about that matter. "You are happy" refers to the current state of your listener and is awkwardly used in your sentence.
2. "Take someone an hour" is the right structure.
3. Use a singular noun after "by," such as "by car," "by email," etc.
Yes! You got that absolutely right! That's a bit long. What do you usually do during your commute time?

I usually read various books in a train. I can know many things from books.


I usually read various books on the train. I can learn many things from books.

1. We use "on" to refer to a train, bus, ship, and plane.
2. Use "learn" to refer to gathering and picking up information.
That's a great way to turn your commuting time into something fruitful. What kinds of books do you like to read?

I like to read books about trip. I like trip but I don't have enough time to go abroad, so I learn about countries from books.


I like to read books about travel. I like traveling but I don't have enough time to go abroad, so I learn about countries from books.

1. Changed "trip" to "travel" to use the correct term for the activity of journeying to different places. "Travel" is the appropriate word to describe the act of exploring new locations.
2. Changed "trip" to "traveling" to use the gerund form of the verb, which is more suitable in this context. "Traveling" refers to the activity of going to different places and experiencing new things. You can also say, "I like going on trips."
I see! What countries have you read about so far? Mostly in the Asia-Pacific region, or other ones, too?

I have read countries in Europe and Asia .


I have read books about countries in Europe and Asia.

1. You cannot say "read countries." I added "about" to indicate the subject of the book.
2. Don't leave a space between a word and the following punctuation mark.
  • by car(車で)
  • make it a rule to do~(~をすることにしている)
  • public transportation(公共交通機関)
  • S is crowded with~(Sは~で混雑している)
  • to tell the truth(実を言うと)
  • a bicycle(自転車)
  • by bus(バスで)
  • on one's way to~(~に向かう途中)
  • on foot(徒歩で)
  • I go to the office by train.(私は電車で通勤しています。)
  • I make it a rule to always study English on my way to the office.(通勤途中に英語の勉強をすることにしています。)
  • It takes me two hours to get to the office.(会社に行くのに2時間かかります。)
  • I use public transportation to go to work everyday.(私は毎日、公共交通機関を使って通勤しています)
  • The train is always crowded with passengers, so I can never sit down.(列車はいつもお客さんで混雑で,座ることはできません。)
  • To tell the truth, I want to use my own car.(本当は、自分の車を使いたいんです。)
  • I go to work on foot.(徒歩で通勤しています。)


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