
Talking about your company
What company do you work for?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What company do you work for?

I work for the electrical parts manufacturing company, which produces motors for the robots and factory automations. I belong to the sales headquarters for product management. I'm making sales documents, setting prices, and analyzing sales records.


I work for an electrical parts manufacturing company, which produces motors for    robots and factory machinery. I belong to the sales headquarters for product management. I make sales documents, set prices, and analyze sales records.

1. This is your first time talking about this company, so you need an indefinite article here.
2. You aren't talking about specific robots, so you shouldn't use a definite article here.
3. "automation" refers to the implementation of technology and systems. Here, you probably meant something like this.
4.&5.&6. When talking about what you do as part of your job, you should use Present Simple.
Wow. You seem to do a lot of challenging tasks. In order to generate these documents, what do you need to do?

I confirm product specifications with design engineers to make product catalogs. I interview success stories to our distributors, which are introduced in the presentation for sales. Based on these information, l make drafts of documents and revise them with our team members.


I confirm product specifications with design engineers to make product catalogs. I interview success stories of our distributors, which are introduced in sales presentations. Based on this information, l make drafts of documents and revise them with our team members.

1. This is the proper preposition, depending on what you had in mind. "to" can't be used with "interview".
2. This word order is a bit more natural. When making general statements, you should use the plural form. Here, you are talking about more than one presentation, which is why the plural form is needed.
3. You need to align this with the following noun and make it singular.
I see. What qualifications must you possess to succeed in your line of job? What project are you currently working on?

Listening what others say is needed, arranging them and communicating with others as well, especially when there are various opinions. Making ideas into sentences is required. Visualizing them on images such as photos and movies are also effective for an online meeting. Motivation of following through is important.


Listening to what others say is needed, coordinating with them, and communicating with others as well, especially when there are various opinions. Making ideas come to life is required. Visualizing them on images such as photos and movies is also effective for an online meeting. Motivation to follow through is important.

1. You are missing a preposition here. "to" has to be used with "listen".
2. You can't really "arrange" people unless you do it physically. This is most likely what you had in mind here.
3. You need to put a comma between each item on a list of three or more, including the last two, before the conjunction.
4. Your version could be used, but this is a slightly more suitable version here.
5. This verb goes with "visualizing", so you need the third-person singular form.
6. "motivation of" is incorrect. This is the proper way to phrase this.
Are there skills you wish to acquire or improve on?

Do you handle a group of people? If yes, what is your management style?

In order to expand the range of my work, I'd like to be able to create movies which promote our products, taking an online course to study how to make movies for business.


In order to expand the range of my work, I'd like to be able to create movies that promote our products by taking an online course to study how to make movies for business.

1. If the sentence doesn't need the clause that the word in question is connecting, use "which". If it does, use "that". Here, you need "that".
2. You need to connect these two parts, and using a comma isn't enough. This preposition is a suitable choice.
Sounds like a great way to showcase your products! Have you considered what style of video content might resonate most with your target audience? (e.g., explainer videos, customer testimonials)

I'd like to generate explainer videos of our products with interviews to our design engineers, which they talk about development, design concept, product specifications and advantages to introduce our products in details.


I'd like to generate explainer videos of our products with interviews with our design engineers, in which they talk about development, design concepts, product specifications, and the advantages of    our products in detail.

1. This is the proper preposition.
2. This refers to the interviews, so they talk about this "in" the interviews, which is why you need to add this preposition
3. When making general statements, you should use the plural form. Here, you are talking about more than one concept, which is why the plural form is needed.
4. You need to put a comma between each item on a list of three or more, including the last two, before the conjunction.
5. Usually you need "of" after "(dis)advantage".
6. There's no particular reason to add "introduce" here. It's best to omit it.
7. This noun is used in the singular form in this phrase.
  • co-worker(同僚)
  • retire((定年)退職する)
  • boss(上司)
  • subordinate(部下)
  • finance company(金融系企業)
  • public office(役所)
  • construction firm(建設会社)
  • I'm working for a company that specializes in sustainable products.(私は、サステイナブルな製品を専門とする会社で働いています。)
  • My job consists of assigning tasks and working with customers.(私の仕事は、タスクを割り当て、お客様と一緒に仕事をすることです。)
  • I have many colleagues at my company.(会社には多くの同僚がいます。)
  • A lot of my co-workers often help me.(私は多くの同僚に助けられています。)
  • My office is located in~.(私の会社は~にあります。)
  • Recently, my boss retired.(最近、私の上司が退職しました。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 仕事関係
  • 仕事