
Talking about music
あなたはどんな音楽が好きですか? 好きな音楽のジャンルやアーティストについて説明してみましょう!
What kind of music do you like?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What kind of music do you like?

I like Japanese R&B and pop music. I'm impressed by the Japanese pop duo, YOASOBI's Idol' which soared to No. 1 on Billboard Global excluding the U.S. Idol' is also the first song originally performed in Japanese to top the Global Excl. U.S. chart. Have you ever heard their songs?


I like Japanese R&B and pop music. I love the Japanese pop duo, YOASOBI's Idol which soared to No. 1 on Billboard Global excluding the U.S. Idol is also the first song originally performed in Japanese to top the Global Excl. U.S. chart. Have you ever heard their songs?

1. BE IMPRESSED tends to refer to a more professional situation, or something you have specifically observed.
2, 3. Not possessive.
I see what you mean. I must admit that I have never heard about them. Can you recommend me any songs?

First, you must listen to YOASOBI's Idol and RGB English versions.
They are a Japanese duo composed of Ayase a male composer and Ikura, a female vocalist. The song, Idol originally sung in Japanese hit the top 10 for six weeks. They released the English version of Idol on May 26. I'm excited they will reach a new record!


First, you must listen to YOASOBI's Idol and RGB English versions.
They are a Japanese duo composed of Ayase, a male composer, and Ikura, a female vocalist. The song Idol, originally sung in Japanese, hit the top 10 for six weeks. They released the English version of Idol on May 26. I'm excited to think they will achieve a new record!

1, 2, 4, 5. Commas required to present the additional information.
3. No comma needed when the name follows the verb CALL.
6. Refers to what you hope in the future.
7. REACH tends to refer to a POINT.
Thank you very much for your suggestions! Have you ever seen them live in concert? If so, did you like it?

I have never seen them live in concert. I hope I go to their show someday. I believe their soaring to No. 1 on Billboard Global excluding the U.S. chart makes them popular internationally.


No, but I hope I go to their show someday. I believe their soaring to No. 1 on Billboard Global excluding the U.S. chart has made them popular internationally.

1. You don't need to repeat all the words from the question, but can use a contrasting conjunctive adverb here to join your response with the next point.
2. You need the present perfect tense here to connect the past with the present.
  • classical music(クラッシック音楽)
  • rock music(ロック)
  • X times a [year / month / day]([一年/一ヶ月/一日]につきX回)
  • on the radio(ラジオで)
  • on TV(テレビで)
  • on Youtube(youtubeで)
  • I love to listen to classical music.(私はクラッシックを聞くのが好きです。)
  • I often listen to pop music such as ~.(~といったポップミュージックをよく聞きます。)
  • I've been collecting a lot of CDs since I was a student.(学生の頃からCDをたくさん集めています。)
  • I not only listen to music but I also go to concerts.(音楽を聴くだけでなく、コンサートにも行きます。)
  • Anyway, you should try listening to this genre.(とりあえず君もこのジャンルを試しに聞いてみなよ。)
  • I go to concerts about ten times a year.(年に10回ほどコンサートに行きます。)
  • I like to watch DVDs.(私はDVDを見るのが好きです。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 自己紹介
  • 趣味/好み