
Talking about a special event
What is something special that happened to you recently?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What is something special that happened to you recently?

I received a letter and refund slip from the National Tax Agency yesterday. The other day, an official called me to tell me that I had wrongly paid more taxes online. He wanted to know my banking account, but I didn't tell him because I thought he was a scammer. It's no wonder that I doubted him. Bureaucrats are famous for their written form principles. There's no way that bureaucrats ask citizens about personal information on the phone. I was going to tell the police, but I forgot that.


I received a letter and refund slip from the National Tax Agency yesterday. The other day, an official called me to tell me that I had wrongly paid more taxes online. He wanted to know my bank account number, but I didn't tell him because I thought he was a scammer. It's no wonder that I doubted him. Bureaucrats are famous for their written form principles. There's no way that bureaucrats ask citizens about personal information on the phone. I was going to tell the police, but I forgot to do it.

1. & 2. Rephrase to make the meaning clearer.
It's good that you were cautious about providing personal information over the phone. Scammers can be quite convincing, so it's always wise to verify their identity and intentions. Have you checked the letter and refund slip from the National Tax Agency to confirm that it's legitimate?

I must go to a postal office to receive money using the slip. Then, I will know whether it's genuine.


I must go to a postal office to receive money using the slip. Then, I will know whether it's genuine.

1. You can also say "legitimate."
That sounds like a good plan. Verifying the authenticity of the refund slip at the postal office is definitely a wise step to take. What are you going to do next after verifying its authenticity?

The slip allows only the postal office to refund, so I will receive the tax refund there. I was terrified when I got a call because he knew how much I paid taxes. I was also worried about the leak of personal information. After hanging up the call, I asked an official at a tax office on the phone whether they ask the citizens about banking account numbers. She answered, "Never." I decided not to believe the goverment easily.


The slip allows only the postal office to refund, so I will receive the tax refund there. I was terrified when I got the call because he knew how much I paid in taxes. I was also worried about the leak of personal information. After hanging up the call, I asked an official at a tax office on the phone whether they ask the citizens about banking account numbers. She answered, "Never." I decided not to believe the government easily.

1. "the" is a definite article used when referring to something specific.
2. Use "in" to further elaborate on what you're talking about.
3. Spelling correction.
  • a class reunion(同窓会)
  • be invited to~(~に招待される)
  • vacation(休暇)
  • celebrate one's birthday(誰かの誕生日を祝う)
  • sports tournament(スポーツ大会)
  • Recently, I bought an iPad online.(ネットで最近iPadを買いました。)
  • I went to my class reunion last week.(先週、同窓会に出席しました。)
  • I was surprised to hear that my friend got divorced recently.(友人が最近離婚したと聞いて驚きました。)
  • I was invited to the surprise birthday party.(サプライズバースデーパーティーに招待されたんですよ。)
  • I felt really happy because a lot of my colleagues congratulated me on my getting married.(多くの同僚が結婚を祝福してくれて本当に嬉しかったんです。)
  • My son stood up and walked all by himself on his first birthday.(息子は1歳の誕生日に一人で立ち上がって歩きました。)
  • I'm sorry that I don't have anything special.(残念ながら特に変わったことはないんですよ。)


  • 日常
  • 上級
  • 自己紹介
  • 最近の出来事