
Talking about your hobbies
あなたの趣味はなんですか?! あなたの好きなことや趣味について説明してみましょう!
Please tell me about your interests. Do you have any hobbies?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please tell me about your interests. Do you have any hobbies?

I'm learning English in my free time recently. That's why I can say my hobby is learning English.


I've been learning English in my free time recently. That's why I can say my hobby is learning English.

1. Use the present perfect continuous with ''recently'' and ''am learning'' with ''these days''.
What aspect of the language do you find most enjoyable to learn? Have you discovered any helpful resources or methods for language learning that you'd recommend?

I met some foreigners at the nursery where my kids go. I couldn't talk to them before I started to learn English, but now, I can talk to them. That makes me so happy. Talking with foreigners is the most enjoyable thing. But my English is still not good. So I've been improving my English using Application and AI now. My recommendation is "e-Pop".


I met some foreigners at the nursery where my kids go. I couldn't talk to them before I started to learn English, but now, I can    . That makes me so happy. Talking with foreigners is the most enjoyable thing. However, my English is still not good, so I've been improving my English using some applications and AI    . My recommendation is "e-Pop".

1. Alternatively, you may use the gerund ''learning''.
2. Leave out ''talk to them'' to avoid repeating the phrase.
3. Use ''However'' as you re discouraged from starting sentences with ''But''.
4. Join the sentences for better flow and avoid starting sentences with ''So''.
5. Use the quantifier ''some'' when the number or quantity is not known.
6. Use lowercase as it is a common noun.
7. ''now'' is not necessary.
How do you find using e-Pop and AI for language learning compared to other methods you've tried? Would you say it's been effective for you?

I'd used some applications by now. I feel "e-Pop" is the most effective to me. Because it provides not only speaking and listening but also learning vocabulary. And I use the AI named Google Gemini. It's so useful for researching questions about English.


I feel "e-Pop" is the most effective of all the applications I have used because it provides not only speaking and listening but also learning vocabulary.    I also use an AI chatbot, Google Gemini. It's very useful for researching questions about English.

1. Restructure and combine the sentences for better flow.
2. Avoid starting sentences with ''And''.
3. Use ''also'' to mean in addition to.
5. Use the phrase to aptly describe the tool and use a comma to introduce its name.
6. Use ''very'' as ''so'' is used to introduce an explanation.
It's great to hear that e-Pop and Google Gemini have been helpful for your language learning journey! How do you typically incorporate these tools into your daily routine?

I always use e-Pop in my break time. And then if I have wonderingly things I search that using Google Gemini.


I always use e-Pop in my free time. I use Google Gemini to research things I'm not sure about. 

1. Use ''free'' as it is clearer.
2. Restructure for clearer meaning.
I see. They are quite beneficial. How do you differential the function of those two AI tools? Which one do you like more?

"e-Pop" is an English learning App. It provides various problems about vocabulary, grammar, listening and writing. "Google Gemini" is just an AI like "ChatGPT". So I like both.


"e-Pop" is an English learning app. It poses various problems about vocabulary, grammar, listening and writing. "Google Gemini" is just an AI chatbot like "ChatGPT" so I like both.

1. Use lowercase on the initial letters of common nouns.
2. Use ''poses'' to mean asks.
3. Use the word for clarity.
4. Join the sentences for better flow and to avoid starting the sentence with ''So''.
  • shopping(買い物)
  • fishing(釣り)
  • reading(読書)
  • studying(勉強/研究)
  • a stroll(散歩)
  • jogging(ジョギング)
  • take a picture(写真をとる)
  • My hobby is playing music.(私の趣味は音楽を演奏することです。)
  • I am good at solving puzzles.(パズルを解くのが得意です。)
  • I have been interested in robotics.(私は以前からロボットに興味がありました。)
  • I often go to the cafe near my house to study.(家の近くのカフェでよく勉強しています。)
  • I have a trip coming up.(近々、旅行に行く予定があります。)
  • On my day off I like to go [swimming / fishing / shopping / camping].(休みの日には[水泳/釣り/買い物/キャンプ]に行くのが好きです。)
  • I want to learn how to play the [guitar / piano / violin].(〔ギター/ピアノ/バイオリン〕の弾き方を習いたいです。)
  • I love to do things that stimulate the mind.(私は、心を刺激するようなことをするのが好きです。)
  • I feel refreshed after going jogging.(ジョギングをした後は、気分がいいんですよ。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 留学
  • 自己紹介
  • 趣味/好み