
Chatting with the boss during a break
How are you doing these days?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How are you doing these days?

I'm doing well. There are many things that I have to catch up with, but your instruction has always been helpful. Thank you very much. Also, the team members have kindly helped me when I'm in trouble, which I really appreciate.


I'm doing well. There are many things that I have to catch up with, but your instruction has always been helpful. Thank you very much. Also, my team members have kindly helped me when I'm in trouble, which I really appreciate.

1. Correct your pronoun usage.
I'm glad to hear you're doing well! It makes me happy to know I'm contributing to a positive experience for you. Are you all set to tackle those things you have to catch up on?

I think I'm on the right track. I'm trying to talk to new people in the company and gain some knowledge from various points of view. Actually, I was wondering if I could grab lunch with Ms. Sawada sometime next week since she is a graduate from the same university as me. How will it be the schedule of our team next week? I mean I would arrange the lunch with her later in this month if there were loads of tasks next week.


I think I'm on the right track. I'm trying to talk to new people in the company and gain some knowledge from various points of view. Actually, I was wondering if I could grab lunch with Ms. Sawada sometime next week since she is a graduate from the same university as me. How is our team's schedule looking for next week?
 I mean, I would arrange the lunch with her later    this month if there are loads of tasks next week.

1. Rephrased for clarity and accuracy.
2. Introductory words are followed by a comma.
3. 'This, That, next, last, and Every' shouldn't be preceded by prepositions if they are followed by time words.
4. This is the correct tense for this context.
Connecting with Ms. Sawada is a fantastic idea. As for next week's schedule, we're actually pretty light on major tasks. We have a team meeting on Monday morning, but the rest of the week is fairly open. So, feel free to schedule your lunch with Ms. Sawada anytime that works for both of you!

Thanks! She is obviously the senior sales manager, so I guess there would be some opportunities to collaborate with her team.


Thanks! She is obviously the senior sales manager, so I guess there would be some opportunities to collaborate with her team.

1. Great job. 'Suppose' is another possibility.
  • humanize(人間らしくする、人情味あふれるものにする)
  • warmth(暖かさ)
  • dialogue(対話)
  • rapport(感情的な親密さ)
  • bonding((親子などの)きずな(の形成))
  • intimate(親密な)
  • genuine(本物の、誠実な)
  • connecting(接続する)
  • personal(個人的な)
  • heartfelt(心からの)
  • How are things going with you these days? (最近はどうですか?)
  • Are your wife and children doing well?(奥さんと子供らはお元気ですか?)
  • Did your wife like the necklace that you bought for her birthday?(誕生日で買ったネックレス、奥さんの好みに合いましたか?)
  • I really enjoyed meeting your family at the company picnic this past weekend.(この週末、会社のピクニックであなたのご家族にお会いできて本当に良かったです。)
  • My wife said that you probably know me better than she does.(あなたの方が私の妻よりも私のことをおそらくより知っていると妻は言っていました。)
  • I really enjoy working here.(私は本当にここで働くのが好きです。)
  • Where are you taking your wife for your 10th wedding anniversary?(10年目の結婚記念日に奥さんをどこに連れて行くのですか?)
  • Thank you for treating everyone here with kindness and respect.(優しさと尊敬の念を持ってここで皆を扱って下さりありがとうございます。)
  • How was the concert this weekend?(今週末のコンサートはどうでしたか?)
  • I try to separate my work and personal lives, but it's not always easy to do.(私は自分の職業上の生活と個人的な生活を分けようとしているが、それは必ずしも容易ではありません。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • スモールトーク
  • 部門:秘書