
Let's congratulate your colleague who is getting married
Didn't you know I am getting married?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Didn't you know I am getting married?

Congratulations! I knew that because your fiancee called me to ask me what she had to do before she got married. I told her that local municipalities offered free marital seminars. They bring in guest speakers, and she can learn a whole bunch of stuff.


Congratulations! I knew    because your fiancee called me to ask me what she had to do before she got married. I told her that local municipalities offered free marital seminars. They bring in guest speakers, and she can learn a whole bunch of stuff.

1. Leave out ''that'' as it is unnecessary.
Oh, really? That's so surprising. I didn't expect that she would contact you to ask those questions. So, what did she sound like at that time? Are you already aware of the date?

She sounded so delighted. Yes, I heard that you two were officially married on the day when you first met. I'm afraid that I forgot when it was. She told me she was expected to be Queen of the Kitchen. What do you want for a wedding present? If you can't come up with it, I'll choose a kitchen utensil.


She sounded very delighted. Yes, I heard that you two were officially married on the day when you first met. I'm afraid that I forgot when it was. She told me she was expected to be Queen of the Kitchen. What do you want for a wedding present? If you can't come up with one, I'll choose a kitchen utensil.

1. Use ''very'' as ''so'' is usually used to introduce an explanation, e.g., ''She was so angry that i knew something bad had happened.''
2. Use ''one'' to refer to a present.
Wow! The Queen of the Kitchen! Well, she got that absolutely right! She is so cute, isn't she? The big day is on November 23rd. Whatever you want, kitchen utensils will bring a smile to my fiancee definitely. Can you go on that day?

Thank you! Course, I'd love to attend it. Yeah, she is such a hottie. Well, speaking of November 23rd, your precious day, Amazon Black Friday starts the next day. I'll ask her to add some candidates she wants to her Amazon wishlist. That would be helpful for her friends to choose presents.


Thank you! Course, I'd love to attend it. Yeah, she is such a hottie. Well, speaking of November 23rd, your precious day, Amazon Black Friday is on the next day. I'll ask her to add some candidates she wants to her Amazon wishlist. That would be helpful for her friends to choose presents.

1. Use ''is'' to state the nature of something as ''starts'' is for when something begins.
2. Use ''on'' to indicate the day or date
  • wedding(結婚式、婚礼 )
  • be surprised at~(〜に驚く)
  • congratulations(おめでとうございます)
  • wonderful(素晴らしい)
  • engagement (婚約)
  • Congratulations! I am so happy to hear that you are finally getting married.(おめでとうございます。ついに結婚が決まったということで、とても嬉しいです。)
  • I did not expect that to be so difficult.(それがこんなにも難しいとは思いませんでした。)
  • It must have been an exciting time for you.(とてもワクワクした時間を過ごされていると思います。)
  • How do you know each other?(お二人はどうやって知り合ったのですか?)
  • Are you planning to host a wedding in the near future?(近々結婚式を上げる予定なんですか?)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • その他
  • シーンリクエスト