
Taking a call for the CEO
Hello. May I speak with the CEO, please?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hello. May I speak with the CEO, please?

May I have your name and company name, please?


May I have your name and the company's name, please?

1. The possessive 's is needed.
You can also say "Could you give me your name and your company's name, please?"
This is Issa Coleman from IOU company. I spoke to your boss yesterday and would like to talk more about what we discussed yesterday.

(Oh, I don't recognize his name though,,, I can't decide whether I should put him through or not this instant. It'd be better to ask my boss about this.) Mr. Coleman, Hold on a moment, please.


(Oh, I don't recognize his name, though. I can't decide whether I should put him through or not at this instant. It'd be better to ask my boss about this.) Mr. Coleman, Hold on a moment, please.

1. The comma is needed.
2. The preposition is needed.
You can also say Could you please hold on for a moment?
Oh, okay. Thank you so much. Is he in, though? I really need to talk to him immediately today this time.

Oh, let me confirm, just a moment, please. Is he expecting this call by the way?


Oh, let me confirm, just a moment, please. Is he expecting your call?

1. You don't need to use "by the way" because it is a little bit informal here. This is a simpler expression.
Yes, I believe he is. He told me to call once I've thought about his offer. I'm sure he would want to talk to me.

Of course, let me see if he is in, hold on a moment, please. ___ (Boss, there is a call from Mr. Issa Coleman from IOU company. He wants to talk about your offer for him right now. May I put him through? Yes? Sure, after that meeting, you are having an interview with the YBA paper until 6. After that, your schedule is open today.) ___Thank you very much for your patience, Mr. Coleman. Mr. Yamada is on the line. Go ahead, please.


Of course, let me see if he is in, hold on a moment, please. ___ (Boss, there is a call from Mr. Issa Coleman from IOU company. He wants to talk about your offer right now. May I put him through? Yes? Sure, after that meeting, you are having an interview with the YBA paper until 6. After that, your schedule is open today.) ___Thank you very much for your patience, Mr. Coleman. Mr. Yamada is on the line. Go ahead, please.

1. You don't need to say "for him", It is sufficient to say "about your offer".
You can also say "I appreciate your patience, Mr. Coleman"
Hello, Mr. Yamada. I'm calling on behalf of my company, and I would like to discuss your offer in detail. We are thinking about accepting it, but we would like to have one more meeting with you before we make any moves. When will you be available?

// Hello, Mr. Coleman, thank you very much for calling. I'm thrilled to hear that you are considering our offer positively. We are definitely meeting sometime soon. How do you like it having dinner with us this week, or rather, this evening? What would you say? Great, let my PA send you detail. I'll be there with our production manager. We're looking forward to seeing you. Have a great day! //


// Hello, Mr. Coleman, thank you very much for calling. I'm thrilled to hear that you are considering our offer positively. We are definitely meeting sometime soon. Would you like to have dinner with us this week, or rather, this evening? What do you think? Great, let my PA send you the detail. I'll be there with our production manager. We're looking forward to seeing you. Have a great day! //

1. This is a polite way to ask someone a question.
2. This is a better expression. You can also say "What say you?" but that is not very common.
3. The article is missing.
  • assigned(割り当てられた)
  • embroiled in(巻き込まれる)
  • occupied(空いていない、占領されて)
  • engrossed(夢中になった)
  • unavailable(利用できない)
  • regretfully(悔やんで)
  • whereabouts(行方)
  • relocated(移転された)
  • extended(延長した、延長された)
  • explicit(明白な)
  • I'm sorry, but he left me explicit instructions to not interrupt his meeting for the next three hours.(すみませんが、彼は次の3時間の会議に割って入らないように私に明確な指示をしました。)
  • He rushed out of the office about an hour ago and didn't tell anyone where he was going.(彼は1時間ほど前に事務所から飛び出し、どこに行く予定か誰にも言わなかった。)
  • Is he expecting this call?(彼はこの電話を待っておりましたでしょうか?)
  • Frankly, I've been trying to contact him for the past couple of days.(率直に言って、私は過去数日間、彼とコンタクトを取ろうとしていました。)
  • He has been temporarily assigned to our Nagoya office.(彼は一時的に名古屋オフィスに派遣されています。)
  • May I ask for the purpose of this call?(このお電話でのご要望をお聞きしてもよろしいですか?)
  • He is in our new office building in Shinjuku.(彼は新宿の新オフィスのビルにいます。)
  • Yes, he's been expecting your call but is presently occupied with his senior managers.(はい、彼はあなたの電話を待っていましたが、今は上級管理職の仕事で忙しくしています。)
  • It's extremely urgent that I get in touch with him within the next hour.(非常に急ぎなのですが、私は次の1時間以内に彼と連絡を取らないといけないのです。)
  • Would you like to call back or leave a message on his voice mail?(コールバックしますか、あるいは留守番電話に残しますか?)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 電話応対
  • 要件を伝える
  • 部門:秘書