
Talking about the best way to apologize for an incident.
What should we do?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What should we do?

It isn't easy to cope with a situation where an incident happens. We should apologize for that immediately, but must avoid giving our customers and suppliers a bad impression. To my mind, the most common and appropriate way is that our CEO expresses sincere apologies for the incident in the form of a press release.


It isn't easy to cope with a situation where an incident happens. We should apologize for that immediately, but we must avoid giving our customers and suppliers a bad impression. To my mind, the most common and appropriate way is that our CEO expresses sincere apologies for the incident in the form of a press release.

1. You should add a subject here as well.
Going public is the last thing we should do. It would only spread our incompetence for everyone to know. We go to the people individually.

I respect your point, but in this case, we have over 1000 customers we have to meet. Moreover, we found some posting about this incident on SNS. The negative rumor has already been spreading. I insist we have to take the way to reach the mass immediately at this stage. What do you think?


I respect your point, but in this case, we have over 1000 customers we have to meet. Moreover, we found some postings about this incident on SNS. The negative rumor has already been spreading. I insist on reaching the masses immediately at this stage. What do you think?

1, 3. Use the plural when speaking in a general sense.
2. This would be a much clearer and more natural way to say this.
I know it looks bad but what you're suggesting might be worse. Don't you think maybe we can arrange to meet all of them?

It doesn't seem realistic.
We should realize 'A pinch is a chance' in this case.


It doesn't seem realistic.
We should realize "A pinch is a chance" in this case.

1, 2. You should use quotation marks here, not apostrophes. Apostrophes are only used to indicate possessive form and omission.
  • grace(柔軟性、品位)
  • simplicity(単純、質素)
  • humility(謙虚、謙遜)
  • issue(重要な点、論(争)点、 問題(点) )
  • apologetic((名)弁明、(動)謝罪する)
  • emotional(感情の、感情を持つ)
  • sincerity(誠実、真実)
  • immediacy(即時性)
  • formality(形式的であること)
  • sensitive(感覚がある、感知できる)
  • They were very gracious in accepting our apology.(彼らは私たちの謝罪を快く受け入れてくれました。)
  • Our CEO wants to deliver the apology personally.(当社のCEOは個人的に謝罪をお伝えしたいと考えています。)
  • At least we don't have to cut our bellies open like in the old days.(少なくとも昔のように腹を割く必要はありません。)
  • We should do it in the form of a press release.(プレスリリースの形式でそれをすべきです。)
  • Any apology is best received when it comes from the heart.(どんな謝罪でも、心からのものであれば、最もよく受け入れられるものです。)
  • Whatever we do, we should do it soon.(何をするにしても、我々はすぐにすべきです。)
  • We have no choice but to humble ourselves in their presence.(我々は彼らの前では謙虚でいるしかありません。)
  • The CEO will apologize on national TV on behalf of the company.(CEOは会社を代表して全国放送のテレビで謝罪をします。)
  • All is forgiven, but not necessarily forgotten.(すべてが許されたが、必ずしも忘れられたわけではない。)
  • I think they recognized our sincerity when we apologized this morning.(今朝我々が謝罪したとき、彼らは私たちの誠意を認識してくれたと思います。)


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