
Talking about your pet
Do you have a pet?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you have a pet?

No, I don't, but I'll soon have a dog. My husband wants to have a small dog called mameshiba. Mame means beans in Japanese and is sometimes used as a metaphor that describes small things. Shiba refers to a breed of Japanese hunting dog and means "brushwood. My husband looks like a mameshiba. We are thinking of the name of our dream male dog.


No, I don't, but I'll soon have a dog. My husband wants to have a small dog called Mameshiba. Mame means beans in Japanese and is sometimes used as a metaphor that describes small things. Shiba refers to a breed of Japanese hunting dog and means "brushwood''. My husband looks like a mameshiba. We are thinking of the name of our dream male dog.

1. Capitalise the initial letter of a proper noun.
2. Add closing quotation marks.
That sounds interesting. Mameshiba seems like a beautiful name. Are you excited about getting a dog? When are you expecting to get it?

A Mameshiba will come to our place after we move to a detached house or an apartment where we can have a pet. This might be a few years ahead. I'm so excited to have a dog. I'm looking forward to seeing my husband take care of the dog. He is going to walk the dog and put away its poops. Unlike Golden Retrieve or Poodle, Mameshiba isn't friendly but independent. A canine bit me as a kid. I am worried about whether I can get along with the dog.


A Mameshiba will come to our place after we move to a detached house or an apartment where we can have a pet. This might be a few years ahead. I'm so excited to have a dog. I'm looking forward to seeing my husband take care of the dog. He is going to walk the dog and put away its poops. Unlike Golden Retriever or Poodle, Mameshiba isn't friendly but independent. A canine bit me as a kid. I am worried about whether I can get along with the dog.

1. Spell the name Retriever correctly.
I'm glad to hear that you considered having a dog even though you had a traumatic experience with one. Will you buy one from a breeder, or will you consider adopting one from a shelter?

My husband and I still need to learn where to get a dog. It will be the first dog in our lives, respectively. I need to find out how intelligent dogs are. My husband's reckless disturbances make my blood freeze when I'm cooking. He gets close to me suddenly when I use a flame or a knife. Those behaviors are dangerous for both of us. I wonder whether dogs can understand when they shouldn't be close to me. I need two cages for the dog and my husband.


My husband and I still need to learn where to get a dog. It will be the first dog in our lives    . I need to find out how intelligent dogs are. My husband's reckless disturbances make my blood freeze when I'm cooking. He gets close to me suddenly when I use a flame or a knife. Those behaviors are dangerous for both of us. I wonder whether dogs can understand when they shouldn't be close to me. I need two cages for the dog and my husband.

1. Leave out ''respectively'' as it is not necessary.
  • have loved(愛していたら)
  • life style (生活習慣)
  • rare pet(珍しいペット)
  • veterinary(獣医)
  • bark ((犬など)吠える)
  • Don't buy from a breeder, adopt a pet from a shelter.(ブリーダーから買うのではなく、保護施設からペットを引き取ります。)
  • I would love to take a dog for a walk.(犬を連れて散歩に行きたいです。)
  • During the winter months, it's only natural to let your pets stay inside.(冬の間、ペットを家の中に入れておくのは自然なことだと思います。)
  • I took obedience classes because I am having a hard time disciplining my pets.(ペットのしつけに苦労しているので、しつけクラスを受講しました。)
  • Don't forget to feed the pets.(ペットの餌やりも忘れずに。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • その他
  • シーンリクエスト