
Communicating with the media
Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today.

Hello. This time I'm going to discuss people who suffer from minority gender.
My research has revealed that, in fact, anywhere in the world, 1 in 10 people can be said to be LGBTQ+ in some way. LGBTQ+ is a gender group that cannot be described as male or female. The reason may be that the person's sexual expression, or sexual orientation, differs from that of the majority.
The rights of such minorities deserve to be respected. However, unfortunately in Japan, consideration for such people is not enough, and it has become a big problem.


Hello. This time I'm going to discuss people who suffer from gender minority.
My research has revealed that, in fact, anywhere in the world, 1 in 10 people can be said to be LGBTQ+ in some way. LGBTQ+ is a gender group that cannot be described as male or female. The reason may be that the person's sexual expression, or sexual orientation, differs from that of the majority.
The rights of such minorities deserve to be respected. However, unfortunately in Japan, consideration for such people is not enough, and it has become a big problem.

1. Rewrite this phrase to correct the wrong word order.
I believe that many countries are still resistant to discussing and contemplating LGBTQ+ issues. What makes you believe that people in your country lack empathy towards this minority group? What law about gay rights would you like your government to pass?

I believe that the reason for this is that most of the people who debate in the Diet are elderly men. While young people and women tend to be more enthusiastic about minority issues, older men are less enthusiastic about minority issues. In many Western countries, discussions are held in the arena of national politics with a high proportion of young people and women in parliament, but this is not the case in Japan. With conservative Liberal Democratic Party lawmakers making up the majority, the idea of making special laws for LGBTQ+ people is probably hard to come up with.


I believe that the reason for this is that most of the people who debate in the Diet are elderly men. While young people and women tend to be more enthusiastic about minority issues, older men are less enthusiastic about minority issues. In many Western countries, discussions are held in a national political arena with a high proportion of young people and women in parliament, but this is not the case in Japan. With conservative Liberal Democratic Party lawmakers making up the majority, the idea of making special laws for LGBTQ+ people is probably hard to come up with.

1. This is a more natural way of writing this phrase.
It's unfortunate that the lack of representation in politics can hinder progress on LGBTQ+ rights. What steps do you think could be taken to increase awareness and support for this minority group in Japan?

To that end, I believe that it is important for politics to create a foundation for recognizing LGBTQ+ rights throughout the world through actions such as recognizing same-sex marriage. It is also necessary for each of us to respond appropriately when people around us come out as LGBTQ+, and never to disseminate that information to the public without their permission. It is also important to use neutral expressions in everyday situations as much as possible, and to avoid judging people with masculine or feminine expressions.
From here, let's think about issues such as restrooms for minorities.


To that end, I believe that it is important for politics to create a foundation for recognizing LGBTQ+ rights throughout the world through actions such as recognizing same-sex marriage. It is also necessary for each of us to respond appropriately when people around us come out as LGBTQ+, and never to disseminate that information to the public without their permission. It is also important to use neutral expressions in everyday situations as much as possible and to avoid judging people with masculine or feminine expressions.
From here, let's think about issues such as restrooms for minorities.

1. The comma is not necessary here.
It's crucial to support inclusivity and respect people's privacy. Regarding restrooms for minorities, what measures do you think would promote a more inclusive environment? How can societies ensure the safety and comfort of everyone?

The restroom world is no exception to our mission to make everyone feel comfortable.
Restrooms with a new concept of gender-free restrooms are now being seen in many office districts in countries such as the United States that are actively working toward diversity. I think that if this kind of trend progresses in Japan, it will be extremely useful in improving the restroom situation for LGBTQ+ Japanese people.
This concludes today's presentation. Thank you for your attention.


The restroom world is no exception to our mission to make everyone feel comfortable.
Restrooms with a new concept of gender-free restrooms are now being seen in many office districts in countries such as the United States that are actively working toward diversity. I think that if this kind of trend progresses in Japan, it will be extremely useful in improving the restroom situation for LGBTQ+ Japanese people.
This concludes today's presentation. Thank you for your attention.

1. Everything is correct, an alternative way of phrasing this sentence is "This marks the end of today's presentation.".
  • timely(タイムリーな)
  • demeanor(振る舞い、態度)
  • preparation(準備、心構え)
  • defensive(防衛的な、守備の)
  • print(印刷、印刷される、印刷する)
  • quotable(引用可能な)
  • constraint(制約)
  • broadcast(放送、放送の、放送する)
  • script(手書き)
  • confrontational(対立的な)
  • Please don't misconstrue what I'm about to say.(私が今言おうとしていることを誤解しないでください。)
  • I just got word of this myself so I'll be able to provide more details later in the day.(私自身もこの話を聞いたばかりなので、詳細は後日ご報告します。)
  • I don't know enough about the issue to answer your question, but I'll find out for you.(あなたの質問に答えるのにその問題について十分に知っているわけではないですが、あなたのために調べてみますよ。)
  • Let me deviate from the script for a minute to tell you that I can personally vouch for the integrity of this company.(少し話が逸れますが、この会社の誠実さは私が個人的に保証します。)
  • I'd like to clear the air by giving you the facts regarding this situation.(私はこの状況について事実をお伝えすることで、問題を解決したいと思います。)
  • I'll try to answer your question if you stop being so confrontational.(あなたがそのような対立的な態度をとるのをやめれば、私はあなたの質問に答えようとします。)
  • I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there is absolutely no truth to the rumor that everyone is talking about.(がっかりさせて申し訳ありませんが、みんなが言っているような噂には全く真実がありません。 )
  • Can I speak off the record?(私はオフレコで話してもよいですか?)
  • Here's a catchy phrase that you can use in your sound bite this evening.(今晩のサウンドバイトで使えるキャッチーなフレーズですよ。)
  • The real issue here is not what happened, but why it happened.(ここでの本当の問題は何が起こったかではなく、なぜそれが起こったかということです。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 広報・IR
  • 説明/釈明