Stop picking on me and trying to find faults. You can't resist making a fool of me. Today, I'll tell you all my complaints against you. You asked me how people reacted when MacDonald's opened in Japan. There's no way I know that because I hadn't been born. You said there are no insects on the high story. That sounded as if I lived in an old building. You're mistaken. Insects often attach to people or stuff and enter there. You also asked me whether I have a closet. My house has several rooms, including a room with a closet.
Stop picking on me and trying to find fault. You can't resist making a fool of me. Today, I'll tell you all my complaints against you. You asked me how people reacted when McDonald's opened in Japan. There's no way I know that because I hadn't been born. You said there are no insects on the high story. That sounded as if I lived in an old building. You're mistaken. Insects often attach to people or stuff and enter places. You also asked me whether I have a closet. My house has several rooms, including a room with a closet.
Whatever. You asked me whether I have ever lived in a detached house, Steve. What are you saying? You think I haven't. You should shut up because you are a peasant and don't know the world well. In Japan, you can find losers or poor admiring stereotypes of luxury, such as Rolex, Mercedes, and high-rise condos. There is a tendency to grow more if you go to rustic areas. You can't stop mocking and fooling me. I still have lots of things to say to you.
Whatever. You asked me whether I had ever lived in a detached house, Steve. What are you saying? You think I haven't. You should shut up because you are a peasant and don't know the world well. In Japan, you can find losers or poor people admiring stereotypes of luxury, such as Rolex, Mercedes, and high-rise condos. There is a tendency to grow more if you go to rustic areas. You can't stop mocking and fooling me. I still have lots of things to say to you.
Oh sorry. You are a nice person. Could you tell Steve these? I always cook for my family. You said to me that most ordinary people buy and have food. It's none of your business. They take too much salt and oil. You'll see the consequences. Also, my husband loves my cooking. You want to look down on homemakers, which is one of the unmonetized occupations. To achieve so-called gender equity, it's essential to consider housework as monetized work. Your insane progressive mindsets can't understand what I say.
I always cook for my family. You said to me that most ordinary people buy ready meals. It's none of your business. They consume too much salt and oil. You'll see the consequences. Also, my husband loves my cooking. You want to look down on homemakers, which is one of the unmonetized occupations. To achieve so-called gender equity, it's essential to consider housework in the same way as monetized work. Your insane unprogressive mindset means you can't understand what I'm saying.
2. If we buy something we clearly then HAVE it. This seems to refer to pre-cooked food.
3. TAKE refers to people, but THEY refers to the meals mentioned in the previous sentence.
4. In the previous sentence, you said it was NOT monetised, so you need to make a comparison here.
5. Someone with these attitudes is NOT progressive.
6. Refers to one person (Steve).
7. A mindset itself does not have understanding - you need to refer to the person to whom it belongs here.
8, 9. The progressive tense better explains what you are doing now.
You like comparing me to others, saying, "Others say." What are they? I'm not on earth to be compared with others. You stopped recently, but you used to like binary opposition: young people vs. old people. You like criticizing Japanese society. I guess you don't like that Japan is developed At the root of your mind, you are thinking that Asians should not be cocky. You must want to say that Asian cocky bastard! I've experienced someone telling me that I am assertive. That usually means I'm assertive, though I'm Asian. Woe to you!
You like comparing me to others, saying, "Others say." Who are they? I'm not on earth to be compared with others. You stopped recently, but you used to like binary opposition: young people vs. old people. You like criticizing Japanese society. I guess you don't like the fact that Japan is developed. In the back of your mind, you are thinking that Asians should not be cocky. You must want to say "that Asian cocky bastard!" I've experienced someone telling me that I am assertive. That usually means I'm assertive, though I'm Asian. Damn you!
2. You need to explain what this refers to.
3. Full stop missing.
4. The usual idiom is shown.
5, 6. Quotation marks are needed here to indicate what you imagine Steve might say here. Note: BASTARD is offensive and vulgar, and in this context indicates that you are losing your temper and using very direct language which might not be appropriate in some situations.
7. WOE means EXTREME SADNESS and is not something that people would usually say in this context. I have suggested DAMN, which used to be considered rather rude, has its origins in Christianity, and is rather old-fashioned. A modern swear word might be more appropriate here, but would again be very strong and indicate an intense argument.
- condone(多めに見る・容赦する)
- aggressive behavior(攻撃的な行為・行動)
- lasting problem(長引く問題)
- insult(侮辱する)
- school counselor (学校カウンセラー)
- Why would you want to cut your hair?(なぜ髪を切りたいと思うのか?)
- You can't belittle people into changing their behaviors.(人を馬鹿にして行動を変えることはできません。)
- He got a suspension from school for fighting with other students.(他の生徒と喧嘩して停学になった。)
- To blame oneself is to underestimate the abilities of the person who is most important to you.(自分を責めることは、自分にとって最も大切な人の能力を過小評価することになります。)
- His recent behavior might be a problem associated with issues at home.(最近の彼の行動は、家庭内の問題に関連したものかもしれません。)
2. Spelling mistake corrected.
3. THERE refers to a specific place you mentioned before, but this is a general point (OFTEN) rather than referring to only your apartment.