
Discussing plans to purchase new equipment
Why do we need them?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Why do we need them?

OK, I will explain to you why we need the automatic label stamping machine. First, it is difficult to put the label completely on a bottle by hand. We need more experts for it. Second, the specification of products which use labels are increasing, because the dates of deliveries of containers are extending, so many companies try to shorten it by changing their products' specification of containers from printing to labeling. That is, it results in shortening the delivery date by cutting the process of printing.


OK, I will explain to you why we need the automatic label stamping machine. First, it is difficult to put the label completely on a bottle by hand. We need more experts for it. Second, the specification of products that use labels is increasing   because the dates of the deliveries of containers are extending, so many companies try to shorten the date by changing their products' specification of containers from printing to labeling. That is, it results in shortening the delivery date by cutting the process of printing.

1 - In a defining clause, use 'that'. In non-defining clauses, use 'which'
2 - the verb needs to agree with the subject (specification)
3 - there's no need for a comma before an explanation
4 - add 'the' because you're referring to the delivery of something specific
5 - it's clearer to say 'the date'
I understand what you mean and I agree with you, but unfortunately the budget is low this month.

I'm afraid to say that, but if not, our production line will be stopped in next month. In that sense, we will lost around 1 million dollers every month. Our new equipment is not cheap but, I would say we would rather purchase this equipment to avoid the loss of huge revenue and customers. What do you think? I appreciate that you could have responsible for this disicion as you are department head, couldn't you?


I'm afraid to say that, but if not, our production line will be stopped in the next month. In that sense, we will lose around 1 million dollars every month. Our new equipment is not cheap but, I would say we would rather purchase this equipment to avoid the loss of huge revenue and customers. What do you think? I appreciate that you are responsible for this decision as you are the department head, aren't you?

1 - add 'the' before 'next' as it refers to something specific
2 - will + verb in the infinitive form
3, 5 - this is the correct spelling of the word
4 - the verb needs to agree with the subject
6 - add 'the' because you're referring to a specific position
7 - the question tag needs to correspond with the main verb of the previous sentence.
One million dollars loses in a month?? Oh, that sounds like a huge amount of money. I'll see what I can do.

Why did you postpone to make this important disicion as you know this incident since last year? I think unfortunately, you should bear responsibility for it. I have already submit this risk report and who should bear responsibility for it to president.


Why did you postpone making this important decision as you've known this incident since last year? I think, unfortunately, you should bear the responsibility for it. I have already submitted this risk report and who should bear the responsibility for it to the president.

1 - postpone + verb in 'ing' form
2 - this is the correct spelling of the word
3 - use the present perfect to emphasize an action
4, 6 - add 'the' because you're referring to the responsibility to do something specific
5 - have already + verb in the infinitive form
7 - add 'the' because you're referring to a specific position
I had no idea. Why I didn't know about this? Where is the report? I haven't gotten any report.

You don't need to see that report.


You don't need to see that report.

Good. You have written well here.
  • archaic(廃れた)
  • initial(初期の)
  • depreciation(減価償却費)
  • inevitably(必然的に)
  • obligation(義務)
  • leasing(賃借)
  • option(選択肢)
  • paramount(最高位者、最重要の)
  • ultimately(最終的に)
  • foresight(洞察力、展望)
  • Will this new equipment be technologically obsolete within a few years?(この新しい装置は、数年以内に技術的に時代遅れになるでしょうか?)
  • We are losing hundreds of man hours every week because our employees are forced to work with antiquated equipment.(当社の従業員は時代遅れの機器で働くように強制されているので、我々は毎週数百人分の工数を失っている。)
  • We'll have to postpone any more purchases until we can get out of our current slump.(今の不調を脱するまでは、これ以上の購入は延期しなければなりません。)
  • The question is not "if", but "how many".(質問は「もしも」ではなく「どのくらいの数」ということですね。)
  • Can we claim a depreciation deduction with these new machines?(これらの新しい機械で減価償却控除を主張することはできますか?)
  • We should consider the option of leasing if you're worried about the initial upfront costs.(もし最初の先行投資のコストを気にかけているなら、我々はリースの選択肢を検討すべきです。)
  • Our repair and maintenance costs alone justify the purchase of new equipment.(私たちが費やしている修理やメンテナンスのコストだけでも新しい機器の購入は正しいと言えます。)
  • I suggest that we lease the new equipment in order to deduct the payments as business expenses on our tax return.(税務申告上の事業費としての支払いを控除するために、我々は新しい機器をリースすることを提案しています。)
  • Have you looked into the resale value of our existing equipment?(既存の機器の再販価値を調べたことはありますか?)
  • I approve the purchase of this new equipment, but only over a five year period.(私はこの新しい機器の購入を承認しますが、その期間は5年間に限られます。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • ミーティング
  • 製造業
  • 議論する
  • 部門:経営企画