I'm sorry, but I can't work overtime today. This is because my mother is in the hospital and today is said to be the peak day. My mother has recently lost the ability to speak and her doctor has also told me that she is in a coma. In some cases, my mother could die tomorrow. The only time I can pay my respects to my mother, which may be your last farewell, is until 8 p.m. So, if I work overtime, I probably won't be able to do that. I apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
I'm sorry, but I can't work overtime today. This is because my mother is in the hospital, and today is said to be the peak day. My mother has recently lost the ability to speak, and her doctor has also told me that she is in a coma. In some cases, my mother could die tomorrow. The only time I can pay my respects to my mother, which may be your last farewell, is until 8 p.m. Therefore, if I work overtime, I probably won't be able to do that. I apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
After this, I will contact my boss and the president of the head office and ask for their approval. There's really no excuse.
Please also inform the head office of this matter. There is a high possibility that my mother will die after this, in which case I will have to preside over the funeral as a mourner. My mother has many friends, so I think several hundred people will attend her funeral. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you would allow me to take a week's vacation. If this is not possible, please use this opportunity to use your paid leave. I have not yet been able to use my paid vacation.
Please also inform the head office of this matter. There is a high possibility that my mother will die after this, in which case I will have to preside over the funeral as a mourner. My mother has many friends, so I think several hundred people will attend her funeral. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you would allow me to take a week's vacation. If this is not possible, I would like to use this opportunity to use my paid leave. I have not yet been able to use my paid vacation.
- reschedule(スケジュールを変更する)
- wage(賃金、時間給)
- in time (時間以内に)
- my apologies for 〜(〜について申し訳ない)
- handle with care (丁寧に扱う)
- I need to do a few errands before I can meet up with everyone.(みんなと合流する前に、いくつかの用事を済ませる必要がある。)
- Despite the fact that I have had very little sleep, I will still able to finish the project on time.(ほとんど寝ていないにもかかわらず、時間通りにプロジェクトを終えることができます。)
- I am terribly sorry for the trouble I've caused.(ご迷惑をおかけして大変申し訳ありませんでした。)
- I promise to make up for the time lost by working late.(遅くまで仕事をしてことで失った時間を埋め合わせることを約束します。)
- I have no choice but to call the police.(警察に通報するしかない。)
3. Avoid using “so” at the beginning of a sentence. Merge those sentences into one or use “therefore”, "that's why", or something similar.