
Explaining a movie you watched recently
What movie did you watch recently?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What movie did you watch recently?

I watched Legends of the Fall the other day at home. The story is about a family living and a woman in Montana. The times are around WW1. The family has a father and three brothers. The woman is the fiancee of the youngest son, Samuel. The eldest brother is Alfred; the second one is Tristan. The three brothers went to war, and the youngest son is killed. After that, dark clouds are looming among the family over the woman.


I watched Legends of the Fall the other day at home. The story is about a family living and a woman in Montana. The times are around WWI. The family has a father and three brothers. The woman is the fiancee of the youngest son, Samuel. The eldest brother is Alfred; the second one is Tristan. The three brothers went to war, and the youngest son was killed. After that, dark clouds loom among the family over the woman.

1. You should use "WWI" here because it stands for "World War I," an abbreviation for the historical event.
2. You should use "was" here because it refers to a past event (the death of the youngest son).
3. You should use "loom" here because it's a verb indicating the ongoing presence of something threatening or ominous, matching the tense and subject-verb agreement.
Legends of the Fall sounds like an interesting movie with a compelling storyline set during WW1. It must have been emotional to watch the family's journey unfold. Did you have any favorite characters or moments from the movie?

This was the second time I've watched it. My favorite was Toristan Brad Pitt's plays for the first time; it was changed to the father Anthony Hopkins plays. The customs a First Nations actor shows in the film interested me.


This was the second time I've watched it. My favorite was Tristan, played by Brad Pitt, for the first time; it was changed to the father, played by Anthony Hopkins. The customs that a First Nations actor shows in the film interested me.

1, 2. This is most likely what you wanted to say here. I rephrased your sentence a little bit so that it could make more sense and include more natural phrasing.
3. You should add "that" after "customs" to introduce the relative clause and improve clarity in the sentence.
That sounds like an interesting movie experience! It's fascinating how actors can bring different dimensions to their characters. What aspects of the First Nations actor's portrayal intrigued you the most?

He performs ritual behavior before doing something important, highlighting Montana's great nature. I remembered a Russian submariner in the film The Hunt for Red October who dies saying he wants to live in Montana. The First Nations actor sings and performs something after the father kills the pursuers who tried to kill Tristan.


He performs ritual behavior before doing something important, highlighting Montana's great nature. I remembered a Russian submariner in the film The Hunt for Red October who dies saying he wants to live in Montana. The First Nations actor sings and performs something after the father kills the pursuers who tried to kill Tristan.

1. Here is another way you can say this: ''significant''
  • comedy(コメディ)
  • movie theater (映画館)
  • showtime(上映時間)
  • exciting(ハラハラするような)
  • jump scares(『ワッ』と驚く)
  • The movie will be released soon.(映画はもうすぐ公開されます。)
  • Audiences were completely shocked by the ending.(観客はその結末に大きな衝撃を受けた。)
  • I tend to get drowsy when watching movies.(私は映画を見ている時眠くなりやすいです。)
  • If you haven't seen the first installment, you will be confused by the story.(第1弾を見ていない人は、ストーリーに戸惑うことでしょう。)
  • A well-thought-out story doesn't need to be dramatic to be good.(よく考えられた物語は、ドラマチックである必要はありません。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • その他
  • シーンリクエスト
  • Favourite TV or radio programme