
Explaining a movie you watched recently
What movie did you watch recently?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What movie did you watch recently?

Have you watched the film "The Great Escaper?" I went to a movie date day with my husband. It was a touching true story. Sooooooo nice. I strongly recommend watching the film.


Have you watched the film "The Great Escaper"? I went to a movie date day with my husband. It was a touching true story. It was so nice. I strongly recommend watching the film.

1. The question mark is misplaced.
2. It’s an incomplete sentence. You left out a subject and a verb.
3. It’s a spelling mistake.
No, I have not heard of that movie. It sounds like you enjoyed watching it. What was it about?
I enjoy watching action movies on YouTube these days.

The film is based true story of 90-year-old British World War II Royal Navy veteran Bernard Jordan who "brake out" of nursing home to attend the 70th anniversary of D-Day commemoration in France in June 2014.
It is a comedy, but it's also a heartwarming movie.


The film is a true story of 90-year-old British World War II Royal Navy veteran Bernard Jordan, who "broke out" of a nursing home to attend the 70th anniversary of the D-Day commemorations in France in June 2014.
It is a comedy, but it's also a heartwarming movie.

1. Use ‘a’ or ‘an’ with a singular-count noun when you mean ‘one of many,’ ‘any,’ or ‘in general.’
2. Use a comma to separate independent clauses, after an introductory clause or phrase, between all items in a series, to set off nonrestrictive clauses, to set off appositives, to indicate direct address, to set off direct quotations, and with dates, addresses, titles, and numbers.
3. It happened in the past. Use the past tense.
4. Use ‘a’ or ‘an’ with a singular-count noun when you mean ‘one of many,’ ‘any,’ or ‘in general.’
5. Use ‘the’ definite article to determine something specific.
6. You are speaking about ‘commemorations’ in a general sense. Use the plural tense.
Oh. It's a comedy. I thought it was some kind of action movie. Did the main character meet people who helped him escape from the nursing home?

He escaped from the nursing home without telling anyone except his wife. That is why the police looking for him on social networking sites with the tag #thegreatescaper until his safety was known. There were many points that made me cry, such as the cruelty of war and the fact that he survived and loved his wife 70 years.


He escaped from the nursing home without telling anyone except his wife. That is why the police looked for him on social networking sites with the tag #thegreatescaper until his safety was known. There were many points that made me cry, such as the cruelty of war and the fact that he survived and loved his wife for 70 years.

1. Use the suffix –ed to talk about things that happened before the present or about completed action.
2. A preposition is missing. Use the preposition “for” to denote purpose or destination.
  • comedy(コメディ)
  • movie theater (映画館)
  • showtime(上映時間)
  • exciting(ハラハラするような)
  • jump scares(『ワッ』と驚く)
  • The movie will be released soon.(映画はもうすぐ公開されます。)
  • Audiences were completely shocked by the ending.(観客はその結末に大きな衝撃を受けた。)
  • I tend to get drowsy when watching movies.(私は映画を見ている時眠くなりやすいです。)
  • If you haven't seen the first installment, you will be confused by the story.(第1弾を見ていない人は、ストーリーに戸惑うことでしょう。)
  • A well-thought-out story doesn't need to be dramatic to be good.(よく考えられた物語は、ドラマチックである必要はありません。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • その他
  • シーンリクエスト
  • Favourite TV or radio programme