
Explaining a disappointing experience
Can you tell me an experience that you were disappointed?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Can you tell me an experience that you were disappointed?

I failed to enter my first choice of university. Although I prepared for the entrance exam very hard, it did not pay off. At that time, I almost always studied until one am. I think that might be ineffective for my brain due to my lack of sleep. If I secured at least seven hours of sleep while I studied for the entrance exam, I would be able to pass the exam.


I failed to enter my first choice of university. Although I prepared for the entrance exam very hard, it did not pay off. At that time, I almost always studied until 1 am. I think that might have negatively affected my brain due to my lack of sleep. If I had secured at least seven hours of sleep while I studied for the entrance exam, I would have been able to pass the exam.

1. You could use "my effort" here to make your meaning even clearer.
2. Though it's common to write "one" in words in most cases, we use numerals when we write about time.
3. You're considering a possibility about the past, so use the form "might have (verb-ed)". We use "ineffective" when we refer to methods for a final result, but we talk about effects of something on one's brain.
4. 5. This is the correct form when you're referring to an alternate action and its imagined result in the past.
I am sorry to hear about your disappointment in not getting into your first-choice university. It sounds like you put in a lot of effort with late-night study sessions. Did you consider any alternative universities, or did you plan to retake the entrance exam?

I took the entrance exam again for my first-choice university but I failed. I had no choice but to select other university and I passed the exam of it. I was so disappointed and regretted that I wanted to commit suicide. However, I inspired myself by understanding my failure and I tried to expect my future. It might be better to say that the experience at that time is one of the milestones of my life.


I retook the entrance exam    for my first-choice university but I failed again. So, I had no choice but to select another university, and I passed its entrance exam. I was so disappointed and regretful that I wanted to commit suicide. However, I inspired myself by understanding my failure and I tried to accept my future. It might be better to say that the experience at that time is one of the milestones of my life.

1. 2. Your phrasing is fine, but this is a bit simpler and more natural.
3. Use this here for clarity.
4. Use this word to show cause and effect.
5. Use "another" since you're introducing a singular noun.
6. Use a comma to separate the independent clauses.
7. It's more natural to say "its (noun)" rather than "the (noun) of it". Use "entrance" for clarity.
8. This is the accurate adjective form of the word.
9. I think this is what you meant - to make peace with what happened.
I'm pleased that you feel more positive now. 'Every cloud has a silver lining', as they say. What's a good thing about that you'll now be going to?

I must express gratitude to my current situation. I am married, have two sons, and positively work on my assignment in my workplace. As for my hobby, doing Kendo, it is not going smoothly because I can't do kendo well recently. I probably hit a plateau and just need to keep practice without feeling disappointed. When I face some challenges, I should not be concerned about negative outcomes too much. I need to inspire myself by changing my mindset.


I must express gratitude for my current situation. I am married, have two sons, and positively work on my assignment in my workplace. As for my hobby, doing Kendo, it is not going smoothly because I haven't been able to do kendo well recently. I probably hit a plateau and just need to keep practicing without feeling disappointed. When I face some challenges, I should not be too concerned about negative outcomes. I need to inspire myself by changing my mindset.

1. We usually express gratitude TO someone FOR something.
2. The word "recently" refers more to the past than the present and is generally used with the past tense or present perfect tense.
3. When we refer to a continuous action over time, the correct phrasing is "keep (verb)ing".
4. 5. Your phrasing is okay, but this is simpler and more natural.
I agree with you. To be honest with you, the past couple of years have made me realise that such disappointments are not to be taken very seriously. There are bigger things/challenges in life. Do you do anything special to think positively?

I was forced to take days off because of mental illness about ten years ago. The primary cause of the illness was harassment by my former boss. Although his business coordination skill was superb, his actions taken to his subordinates were not always appropriate. For example, he repeatedly pointed out the reason why I did not come to the workplace to address my assignments on Saturday and Sunday when my workload was plied up. I should have stand such harsh moment but I could not. This resulted in my worst business evaluation from my company at that time.


I was forced to take days off because of mental illness about ten years ago. The primary cause of the illness was harassment by my former boss. Although his business coordination skill was superb, his actions towards his subordinates were not always appropriate. For example, he repeatedly asked why I did not come to the workplace to address my assignments on Saturday and Sunday when my workload was piled up. I should have withstood such harsh moments but I could not. This resulted in my worst business evaluation from my company at that time.

1. This is more specific. You don't need the word "taken" here.
2. If he discussed specific reasons, your phrasing is fine, but if he accused you for not working on weekends, this word is better.
3. Be careful with spelling.
4. This is a more meaningful word here. You're talking about the past, so say "should have (verb - past form)".
5. Use the plural form since you're referring to something that happened more than just once.
I'm sorry to hear that you had such a difficult experience with your former boss. It sounds like he was very unprofessional and created a hostile work environment. Did you ever take any action against your boss, such as reporting him to HR or filing a complaint with the labor board?

Yes, I spoke out his actions to the HR section. However, nothing was changed. The HR section said to me that the behavior of that boss was inappropriate but it was not exclusively his fault and I should also consider my ways of handling the assignments. In other words, the HR section did not regard the actions of that boss as harassment. Since then, I believe it is vital to protect me by myself if I face some predicaments about human relationship in the workplace.


Yes, I spoke out about his actions to the HR section. However, nothing    changed. The HR department said to me that the behavior of that boss was inappropriate but it was not exclusively his fault and I should also consider my ways of handling the assignments. In other words, HR did not regard the actions of that boss as harassment. Since then, I believe it is vital to protect    myself if I face some predicaments about human relationships in the workplace.

1. Use this word here for accuracy. We speak up/out ABOUT a problem.
2. You don't need "was" in this sentence.
3. Your word is fine, but try and avoid repetition.
4. It's common to simply refer to the department as "HR". This also helps you avoid repetition.
5. When we use "(verb) myself", the subject and object of the action are the same, so you don't need to use the deleted words.
6. Use the plural form since you're making a generalisation.

Well done! Enjoy your speaking lesson!
  • terrible (悲惨な)
  • devastating (破滅的な)
  • emotional(感情的な)
  • recover(回復する)
  • cheer up(元気づける)
  • I am relieved from the pain.(痛みから解放されました。)
  • I suffer from indecisiveness.(優柔不断で悩んでいます。)
  • It took a long time to get over this cold because I had a lot of work to get done.(この風邪を治すのに時間がかかったのは、仕事がたくさんあったからです。)
  • Having such unreasonable expectations will definitely put someone under pressure.(このような過度な期待をすると、相手にプレッシャーを与えることになります。)
  • Honestly, I don't put too much thinking into it. I'd much rather just let inspiration guide me.(正直なところ、私はあまり考えずに行動しています。どちらかというと、インスピレーションに任せています。)


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