
Surveying customers about your products
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。

Hello. The shirt which you are now taking looks great on you.


Hello. The shirt which you are now taking looks great on you.

1. Your sentences were correct. The word "great" is often overused. You can use "excellent" instead.
Thank you. I like its design. It's also affordable for me. What material is used to make this shirt?

That shirt is made only with natural cotton. You can feel the comfortable touch to your skin. That is the characteristic point of it.


That shirt is made only with natural cotton. You can feel the comfortable touch on your skin. That is the characteristic point of it.

1. The preposition "to" doesn't work in this sentence. "on" is needed instead.
Yes, that's right. It feels so comfortable when I wear it. This shirt is good quality. I would like some pants that would match with this shirt. Do you have them available?

I'm pleased you said so. The shirt is my favorite too. Of course, you look much better with some pants we recommend. Here they are. How do you feel?


I'm pleased you said so. The shirt is my favorite too. Of course, you look much better with some pants we recommend. Here they are. How do you feel?

1. Your sentences were correct. I will offer you an alternative word. You can use "glad" instead.
I like them. They have a nice design. I like how fashionable they are. How much do these pants cost?

These pants cost you 35 thousands yen for two, and if you buy the shirt too, you can get ten percent discount. Do you think it's so reasonable?


These pants cost you 35 thousand yen, and if you buy the shirt too, you can get a ten percent discount. Do you think it's so reasonable?

1. The plural form doesn't work here. "thousand" is needed.
2. The phrase "for two" is unclear, so we removed it.
3. The article "a" is needed before the phrase "ten percent discount."
That's very reasonable. I'm glad I could receive such an offer. Do you accept Visa card? I will purchase shoes when I return to your shop next time.

Of course, we could accept Visa card. Could You please sign on this screen? Yes, that's done, thank you. I look forward to seeing you again soon.


Of course, we could accept Visa cards. Could You please sign on to this screen? Yes, that's done, thank you. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

1. You talk about Vise cards in general. That's why the plural form is needed.
2. The preposition "to" was missing in this sentence, so we added it.
  • satisfaction(満足)
  • recommendation(推薦)
  • deliberate([形]よく考えた、[自動・他動]熟考する)
  • fashionable(流行の)
  • durable(耐久消費財(durablesで)、耐久性のある)
  • exotic((名)外来のもの (形)外国産の)
  • comfortable(くつろいだ)
  • longevity(勤務[在任]期間)
  • alluring(魅力的な)
  • surpass(超える)
  • They're cheaply made and break easily.(それらは安く作られ、簡単に壊れます。)
  • Since you already have one of these in your home, would you recommend it to your friends or family?(すでにご自宅にあるということですが、お友達やご家族にお勧めしたいですか?)
  • Although they're much more expensive than some other brands, I also buy these because they're super cool.(他のブランドに比べてかなり高価ですが、すごくかっこいいので私も購入しています。)
  • What would you do to make this product better?(あなたはこの製品をより良くするために何をしますか?)
  • The products are fine, but I keep coming back to this store because of the great customer service.(製品も良いですが、カスタマーサービスが素晴らしいので、このお店を何度も利用しています。)
  • Although they are very attractive, I would never buy them because they're too expensive.(とても魅力的ですが、高価なので絶対に買いません。)
  • I often buy this brand of clothing because it's so durable.(とても丈夫なので、私はよくこのブランドの衣服を購入しています。)
  • Your products always seem to reflect the changing times.(あなたの製品は常に時代の変化を反映しているようです。)
  • Do you make buying decisions based on price alone or do you consider other factors?(購入の際には、価格だけで判断するのか、それとも他の要素を考慮するのか。)
  • I bought one of these twenty years ago and it's still working.(私はこれらの一つを20年前に購入し、それはまだ機能しています。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 交渉
  • ヒアリングする
  • 部門:商品開発