
Let's use some new words you learned
Please write sentences using the words you recently learned.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please write sentences using the words you recently learned.

Today is a "laidback" day. Even though I worked for a long time, I didn't have work as usual because I'm working in a different department this week. After the work, I ate at a Chinese restaurant. I also went to a spa by my friend's car. It located near the sea that I enjoyed beautiful view. It makes me relax. The day after tomorrow will be a "hectic"day because of making a presentation.


Today is a "laidback" day. Even though I worked for a long time, I didn't have work as usual because I'm working in a different department this week. After    work, I ate at a Chinese restaurant. I also went to a spa in my friend's car. It is located near the sea, and I enjoyed the beautiful view. It made me relax. The day after tomorrow will be a "hectic"  day because of making a presentation.

1. Typically, proper nouns, indefinite mass nouns, and indefinite plural count nouns are not accompanied by an article. Similarly, articles are generally omitted when referring to means of transport (by plane) or common expressions of time and place (at midnight, in jail).
2. Use ‘in' when something is located inside of a defined space. It could be a flat space, like a yard, or a three-dimensional space, like a box, house, or car. The space does not need to be closed on all sides. The preposition ‘by’ explains someone's action or who acted.
3. You have a subject but you lack a verb. The sentence is incomplete.
4. Commas are used in the following instances: after an introductory clause, after a lengthy introductory prepositional phrase or multiple introductory prepositional phrases, and after introductory verbal phrases, certain appositive phrases, or absolute phrases.
5. 'that' is used to introduce restrictive clauses. The conjunction ‘and’ connects words of the same part of speech, clauses, or sentences, that are to be taken jointly.
6. Use "the" when referring to something specific, be it an object, person, type of object or person, or a particular quality of an object or person. Neglecting to include it can pose challenges in discussing a specific object or person unless you resort to using words like "this," "that," or a proper noun.
7. It has already happened. Use the past tense.
8. Watch out for the space in between the words.
Thank you for sharing your day and your sentences with me. It's good to have a 'laidback' day, especially before a 'hectic' day. Do you have any other sentences you would like to share with me?

My hobby is "stargazing" . When I was a child, I bought a telescope and be fascinated by watching dark sky. When I became college student, I started using my own camera. If it is sunny day, I drive to rural areas. I enjoy watching planet through a telescope and taking photos. Even though stargazing needs lots of effort, it give me a big fun.


My hobby is "stargazing". When I was a child, I bought a telescope and was fascinated by watching the dark sky. When I became a college student, I started using my own camera. If it is a sunny day, I drive to the rural areas. I enjoy watching the planet through a telescope and taking photos. Even though stargazing needs lots of effort, it gives me a lot of fun.

1. Watch out for the space in between the words.
2. 'was' is the past continuous tense, third-person singular form of “to be.” It describes an action that happened in the past to one person or thing. For example, “he was cooking” describes a boy who used to be cooking, but now isn't.
3. Use "the" when referring to something specific, be it an object, person, type of object or person, or a particular quality of an object or person. Neglecting to include it can pose challenges in discussing a specific object or person unless you resort to using words like "this," "that," or a proper noun.
4&5. An article is missing. “a” and “an” are different forms of the same word, the indefinite article that often precedes a noun. “a” is used before a noun that starts with a consonant sound (e.g., “s,” “t,” “v”). “an” is used before a noun that starts with a vowel sound (e.g., “a,” “o,” “i”). e.g. an apple, a delicious apple.
6&7. Use "the" when referring to something specific, be it an object, person, type of object or person, or a particular quality of an object or person. Neglecting to include it can pose challenges in discussing a specific object or person unless you resort to using words like "this," "that," or a proper noun.
8. Subject-verb disagreement is a frequent error in writing, occurring when the verb conjugation does not align with the point of view (first, second, or third) and number (singular or plural) of the subject.
9. The selected term causes disagreement within the sentence and is not the best option for this context. Replace it or remove it for better clarity.
Stargazing sounds like a wonderful hobby! It must be amazing to see the planets and stars up close. Do you have a favorite constellation or planet that you like to observe the most?

I love observing Saturn's ring the most. It is easy to see clearly by my telescope. The view of it is extremely beautiful. I sometimes goes to stargazing with my friends. They are also impressed because watching Saturn's ring directly is rare experience. In addition, I like Miley way in summer. There are a lot of pictures in my camera.


I love observing Saturn's rings the most. It is easy to see clearly with my telescope. The view of it is extremely beautiful. I sometimes go to stargaze with my friends. They are also impressed because watching Saturn's rings directly is a rare experience. In addition, I like the Milky Way in summer. There are a lot of pictures on my camera.

1&5. It has more than one ring.
2. The preposition ‘with’ refers to what we use to do something: They opened the package with a knife. I'll tie it with some tape to keep it closed. He cleaned the table with a cloth he found in the kitchen. The preposition ‘by’ explains someone's action or who acted.
3&4. Subject-verb disagreement is a frequent error in writing, occurring when the verb conjugation does not align with the point of view (first, second, or third) and number (singular or plural) of the subject.
6. An article is missing. “a” and “an” are different forms of the same word, the indefinite article that often precedes a noun. “a” is used before a noun that starts with a consonant sound (e.g., “s,” “t,” “v”). “an” is used before a noun that starts with a vowel sound (e.g., “a,” “o,” “i”). e.g. an apple, a delicious apple.
7. Use "the" when referring to something specific, be it an object, person, type of object or person, or a particular quality of an object or person. Neglecting to include it can pose challenges in discussing a specific object or person unless you resort to using words like "this," "that," or a proper noun.
8. A spelling error is when there's a mistake in the spelling, while a spelling mistake is when there's an error in the spelling.
9. In English, a capital letter is used for the first word of a sentence and for all proper nouns (words that name a specific person, place, organization, or thing). In some cases, capitalization is also required for the first word in a quotation and the first word after a colon.
10. Use ‘in' when something is located inside of a defined space. It could be a flat space, like a yard, or a three-dimensional space, like a box, house, or car. The space does not need to be closed on all sides.
The preposition ‘on’ shows that something is in a position above something else and touching it, or that something is moving into such a position: Look at all the books on your desk! You're standing on my feet.
Observing Saturn's rings must be a breathtaking experience! It's wonderful that you can share this hobby with your friends and create lasting memories together. The Milky Way in summer sounds amazing as well. Do you have any tips for someone who is new to stargazing and wants to start exploring the night sky?

The most important thing for stargazing is selecting locations. It is better to travel to dark areas. For searching it, maps must be needed. Lights of urban area disturb stargazing. Street lights are also bad. As a result, national parks which is far away from towns are appropriate for this. It is interesting for me to investigate the good spots.


The most important thing for stargazing is selecting locations. It is better to travel to dark areas. To search for it, maps must be brought along. Lights in urban areas disturb stargazers. Street lights are also bad. As a result, national parks, which are far away from towns, are appropriate for this. It is interesting for me to investigate the good spots.

1. The to-infinitive focuses on the idea of an action or the results of an action, rather than the action in itself: To work in a developing country had always been her ambition. To get there before lunch, you would have to take the seven o'clock train.
2. The selected term causes disagreement within the sentence and is not the best option for this context. Replace it or remove it for better clarity.
3. The preposition ‘of’ denotes belonging or association. For example, you might say “That dog is of mine” or “This book is of great interest to me.” Use ‘in' when something is located inside of a defined space. It could be a flat space, like a yard, or a three-dimensional space, like a box, house, or car. The space does not need to be closed on all sides.
4. After considering the sentence, you can use the articles a, an, and the or change the sentence to the plural tense.
5. You want to refer to the people watching the stars.
7. 'parks' means more than one park.
It sounds like you make good use of your free time. Do you have any other new words and phrases that you want to share?

In Japan, standard for promotion is "evaluated " by their ability and "seniority ". After the world war 2, Japanese company was faced to lack of labor. To "correspond" this problem, Japanese traditional company have decided to install the Seniority System. Employees will be raised up due to their seniority. This encourages them to work in a single company for a long time. Recently, the situation is changing.


In Japan, the standard for promotions is "evaluated " by their ability and "seniority ". After     World War II, Japanese companies were faced with a lack of labor. To "address" this problem, Japanese traditional companies    decided to install the seniority system. Employees will be promoted    due to their seniority. This encouraged them to work in a single company for a long time. Recently, the situation has changed.

1. Use "the" when referring to something specific, be it an object, person, type of object or person, or a particular quality of an object or person. Neglecting to include it can pose challenges in discussing a specific object or person unless you resort to using words like "this," "that," or a proper noun.
2. After considering the sentence, you can use the articles a, an, and the or change the sentence to the plural tense.
3. Typically, proper nouns, indefinite mass nouns, and indefinite plural count nouns are not accompanied by an article. Similarly, articles are generally omitted when referring to means of transport (by plane) or common expressions of time and place (at midnight, in jail).
4. A spelling error is when there's a mistake in the spelling, while a spelling mistake is when there's an error in the spelling.
5. After considering the sentence, you can use the articles a, an, and the or change the sentence to the plural tense.
6. Was is the singular past tense of to be, were is used for both the third person plural past tense (they and we) and the second person past tense (you).
7. The preposition ‘with’ refers to what we use to do something: They opened the package with a knife. I'll tie it with some tape to keep it closed. He cleaned the table with a cloth he found in the kitchen. The preposition ‘to’ is a versatile little word that can be used to say many things. ‘to’ indicates a goal or a direction of movement, as well as a place of arrival.
8. An article is missing. “a” and “an” are different forms of the same word, the indefinite article that often precedes a noun. “a” is used before a noun that starts with a consonant sound (e.g., “s,” “t,” “v”). “an” is used before a noun that starts with a vowel sound (e.g., “a,” “o,” “i”). e.g. an apple, a delicious apple.
9. The selected term causes disagreement within the sentence and is not the best option for this context. Replace it or remove it for better clarity.
10. After considering the sentence, you can use the articles a, an, and the or change the sentence to the plural tense.
11. The selected term causes disagreement within the sentence and is not the best option for this context. Replace it or remove it for better clarity.
12&13. In English, a capital letter is used for the first word of a sentence and for all proper nouns (words that name a specific person, place, organization, or thing). In some cases, capitalization is also required for the first word in a quotation and the first word after a colon.
14&15. The selected term causes disagreement within the sentence and is not the best option for this context. Replace it or remove it for better clarity.
16. The -ed is added to verbs to form their past tense or past participle. If the verb ends in e, one of the e's is dropped. If the verb ends in y, the y is usually changed to i.
17. Subject-verb disagreement is a frequent error in writing, occurring when the verb conjugation does not align with the point of view (first, second, or third) and number (singular or plural) of the subject.
18. The -ed is added to verbs to form their past tense or past participle. If the verb ends in e, one of the e's is dropped. If the verb ends in y, the y is usually changed to i.
  • explanation(説明)
  • recently(最近)
  • word(単語)
  • learn(学ぶ)
  • definition(定義)
  • I learned some new words recently.(最近新しい単語を覚えました。)
  • I was studying English over the break.(休みの間に英語を勉強していました。)
  • The definition of this word is ~~.(この単語の意味は~~です。)
  • Please make a sentence using this word.(この単語を使った例文を教えてください。)
  • How do you use this word?(この単語はどのように使いますか?)


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