
Let's use some new words you learned
Please write sentences using the words you recently learned.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please write sentences using the words you recently learned.

I want to summarize some expressions related to 'sleeping' below.
-I've been suffering from a lack of sleep in the past few days. I feel terrible now because I didn't sleep a wink last night. I'm half asleep all the time. Yesterday, I accidentally dozed off at the meeting for a couple of minutes. I might as well take a short nap during lunchtime.


I want to summarize some expressions related to 'sleeping' below.
_ I've been suffering from a lack of sleep for the past few days. I feel terrible now because I didn't sleep a wink last night. I'm half asleep all the time. Yesterday, I accidentally dozed off at the meeting for a couple of minutes. I might as well take a short nap during lunchtime.

1. No need for this here.
2. We use “for” when referring to duration.
Good job! You have correctly used the expressions related to sleeping. Do you have other words or phrases that you just learned recently?

-I used to have great difficulty falling asleep until I changed my mattress. Now I fall asleep so easily every night. I feel great today because I slept so soundly last night. It was the first time in a while for me to sleep like a log. I'm a restless sleeper. I'm tossing and turning all night. It's after midnight so let's hit the sack.


_ I used to have great difficulty falling asleep until I changed my mattress. Now I fall asleep so easily every night. I feel great today because I slept so soundly last night. It was the first time in a while for me to sleep like a log. I'm a restless sleeper. I'm tossing and turning all night. It's after midnight, so let's hit the sack.

1. No need for this here.
2. You should put a comma before "so" when it is connecting two independent clauses.
Can you think of any other new words or phrases you've recently learned that you'd like to practice? Keep up the great work!

The next phrase is "Spring."
-I'm so happy that it's getting warmer and warmer. I'm going to put away my winter clothes and start working on gardening. I really have spring fever, but I also feel spring fatigue due to the hay fever. I don't feel like starting spring cleaning.


The next phrase is "Spring."
-I'm so happy that it's getting warmer and warmer. I'm going to put away my winter clothes and start working on gardening. I really have spring fever, but I also feel spring fatigue due to the hay fever. I don't feel like starting spring cleaning.

Nothing to correct here, you expressed yourself very well.
Great job using new expressions! Your sentences on 'sleeping' were fantastic. Now, you've smoothly transitioned to 'Spring' vocabulary. How do you plan to enjoy the warmer weather besides gardening?

I want to take a walk as much as possible. I can't wait for many beautiful cherry blossom trees in full spring bloom.
When I was a student, I would stay up all night at a Karaoke bar. I can't do that anymore. I'm no spring chicken.


I want to take a walk as much as possible. I can't wait for many beautiful cherry blossom trees in full spring bloom.
When I was a student, I would stay up all night at a karaoke bar. I can't do that anymore. I'm no spring chicken.

1. Do not use a capital letter in the middle of a sentence except with acronyms and proper nouns.
  • explanation(説明)
  • recently(最近)
  • word(単語)
  • learn(学ぶ)
  • definition(定義)
  • I learned some new words recently.(最近新しい単語を覚えました。)
  • I was studying English over the break.(休みの間に英語を勉強していました。)
  • The definition of this word is ~~.(この単語の意味は~~です。)
  • Please make a sentence using this word.(この単語を使った例文を教えてください。)
  • How do you use this word?(この単語はどのように使いますか?)


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