
Pronouncing the R Sound
Use a word that contains the sound "r" in creating 2 or more sentences.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Use a word that contains the sound "r" in creating 2 or more sentences.

By joining this workshop, I have gained a lot of meaningful skills which are the Abc and Grow models, they helped me to
have better communication and understanding not only with coachers but also
everyone around me.


By joining this workshop, I have gained a lot of meaningful skills such as the Abc and Grow models. They helped me to have better communication and understanding not only with coaches but also with everyone around me.

1. You are listing some of the skills you gained but not all of them, so you should use "such as".
2. These two independent clauses aren't properly linked. It's best to use a full stop here instead.
3. You've made a spelling mistake here.
4. You should repeat this preposition here.
Use a different word that contains "r" for each sentence that you will create. Try to write at least 2 or more sentences.

During the workshops
there was a phrase that captured my attention which is
A good coach can change a game, a great coach can change a life. It inspired me a lot and by the second virtual session, I realized that I have a habit of always giving direct answers to anyone who asked me a question or requested advice.


During the workshops, there was a phrase that captured my attention which is
"A good coach can change a game, a great coach can change a life". It inspired me a lot, and by the second virtual session, I realized that I have a habit of always giving direct answers to anyone who asked me a question or requested advice.

1. You should add a comma after this introductory phrase.
2. It's best to put this in quotation marks as you are quoting what someone said.
3. You need to put a comma before this conjunction as it is followed by an independent clause.
Write a sentence using one of the following words:
"reach", "appear", "prepare", "resemble"

With the acknowledgment of these skills that powerful questions unlock people's potential by helping them find solutions on their own, I believe through this method we can inspire each other more.
Has his new book appeared yet?


With the acknowledgment of these skills that powerful questions unlock people's potential by helping them find solutions on their own, I believe    we can inspire each other more. Has his new book appeared yet?

1. "skills" already refers to the methods you mentioned earlier, so there's no need to add this part here.
  • lip(唇)
  • run(走る)
  • around(周りに)
  • race(レース)
  • red(赤)
  • How do I use my lips?(唇をどのように使いますか?)
  • A red car ran over the cat.(赤い車が猫を轢きました。)
  • A man went to render assistance.(男性が助けに行きました。)
  • The "R" sound is difficult to pronounce.(Rの発音は難しいです。)
  • The sounds of L and R are very similar.(LとRの音はすごく似てます。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 発音練習動画